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5 Things That Will Help You Succeed in University


In university, student life is a mixture of work, social events, academics, and friends, and it is challenging to manage all of these. However, with the help of the following tips, you can create a balance between all of these aspects. It will enable you to enjoy each of them to your full potential.

Identify your goals and values

The first step is to determine what your goals and values are. Next, you need to determine what direction you want to take and how to pursue it efficiently. For example, it would help you if your primary goal was academics and education as a university student. Moreover, you can even opt to use writing services to help you stay on top of all your assignments and essays. These services employ the best professional authors who can create high-quality essays, and you can assign your work to them and be hassle-free. If you are time-bound and think ‘who can write my essay in 1 hour,’ these writing services will be a helpful aid for you.

Your goals do not have to be specific to the university activities or be short-term only; you can even plan on the financial aspects. They would include things like working part-time while studying and aiming to pay off the student loans. You can even plan objectives with long-term outcomes. For example, you can set a goal to do an internship every summer in the marketing department of a multinational corporation.

To succeed in university, you can set your goals according to the S.M.A.R.T method to make them more meaningful. It is an acronym and includes five elements. These are;

  • Specific: It would be best to avoid vague objectives and instead opt for more specific ones. For example, a vague goal would be doing internships. To make it more specific, you can narrow it down, like doing an internship at a multinational organization;
  • Measurable: The goal should be measurable as it will allow you to track your progress and see how far you have come;
  • Attainable: The goals you choose should be attainable as well. It would be naïve to hope to get a job offer after one internship in your first year. Instead, focus on acquiring good internships for your CV that will help you later;
  • Relevant: If you want to pursue a career in marketing, your goal is to do internships at a bank. Then, the goal is counterproductive, and it will not benefit you. Therefore, the first step in how to become a successful university student is to set relevant goals;
  • Time-bound: If your goals have no time limit, you are more likely to procrastinate. You can set deadlines for yourself, like doing one internship per summer, and you can hold yourself accountable.

Learn how to manage your time

Time management is a critical element in every way to be successful in university guidance. Most students participate in different activities and events in the university. Some work while others are a part of the university’s sports team, debate club, or event management teams. The bottom line is that every student is busy in one way or another and needs to excel at time management. If they fail to do so, their output in every field will be affected. Some benefits of time management for students are;

  • it can help prioritize activities according to importance;
  • you can do more work in less time;
  • reduces stress and procrastination;
  • better academic-work-social life balance;
  • more focus per activity and higher productivity levels;

As a student, you can manage your time and activities by following these steps;

  • List down all the activities and tasks that need to be done;
  • Rearrange your list according to task importance, with the most critical task at the top;
  • Create a schedule and leave some room for flexibility;
  • Give yourself small rewards for following the schedule to keep yourself motivated.

A sample schedule is as follows;

  • Monday: Class (9 am – 12 pm), work (1 pm – 5 pm), study (6 pm – 10 pm);
  • Tuesday: Class (9 am – 12 pm), work (1 pm – 5 pm);
  • Wednesday: Class (9 am – 12 pm), work (1 pm – 5 pm), study (6 pm – 10 pm);
  • Thursday: Class (9 am – 12 pm) and a lunch meeting with friends (1 pm – 4 pm);
  • Friday: Class (9 am – 12 pm), work (1 pm – 5 pm);
  • Saturday: Work (10 am – 1 pm), write an essay for class;
  • Sunday: Study (10 am – 12 pm), go to the concert with friends.

Take practice tests

You may have heard the phrase that practice makes perfect, which is very true. To excel at university tests, you should take practice tests in your free time. It will help in time management while reducing stress and anxiety towards the test.

Plan your high school courses

It is helpful to always plan ahead of time, and the planning for the degree you want to pursue starts in high school. For example, if you want to pursue a journalism degree, you can opt for photography, cinematography, and video editing classes in high school. It helps create a good base and is one of the many good things for university students that can be achieved by choosing relevant prerequisite courses in high school.

Analyze your learning style

Among the crucial university tips for success is understanding your learning style. People are unique, which enables them to interpret and retain information in different ways; that is their learning style. Researchers have determined four main learning styles.

The first one is visual learning. These learners retain information by creating visual relationships such as graphs, diagrams, flowcharts, and maps. The second type is auditory learners, who prefer listening over visual learning or reading. These learners will retain information if they hear it or talk to someone about it.

The third type is kinesthetic learners, who need some practical activities to learn. They cannot sit still for hours on end but want hands-on learning. The last type is reading and writing learners. As the name suggests, these people are affiliated with the written word, so they learn by either reading or writing. If you understand what type of learner you are, then you can focus on those activities.

University life is hectic, and students are forced to simultaneously allocate their attention to different activities. Multitasking diverts their focus while adversely affecting their productivity as well. With a little bit of effort, you can learn to manage all of these and enjoy university life to the fullest.

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