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How to take your small business to the next level


Small business – If you’re a small business owner, you probably know that the key to success is about making the most out of limited resources. Fortunately, there are many free tools that can help you identify opportunities to boost your company’s chances of success.

Census data: Census data from 2016 are available online and are ripe for the picking. Take advantage of them! They’ll help you better analyze the markets for your products and services, and find the best location for your business when you’re looking to relocate or expand.

Social media: Most popular social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, have great resources for companies or organizations. You can advertise sales and promotions to your customers, learn more about how many people are engaging with your posts, and attract new customers through users sharing your content.

Invest in yourself: You are your company’s most valuable asset and biggest champion, so make sure to keep developing your skills and growing as an entrepreneur. Sign up for free webinars to learn how to write effective e-newsletters, or join a marketing class at your local library. Or search for online tutorials that can show you how to do everything from optimizing your website for mobile devices to teaching employees the fastest way to use a POS terminal.

Find more information at www.statcan.gc.ca/census


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