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Important web design principles worth keeping in mind


Nowadays, it is very important for every business to have a website. You might be wondering what makes a good website and how you can ensure that you have taken care of all the website design principles. Here is the truth: website design is not only about making your website look good but something more than that. It determines the user experience, which consequently influences the overall impression of your brand. And you don’t want to end up having a bad impression on your target audience, right?

So, it is always advisable to search for “SEO services near me” to have the best results when it comes to web design. What are the important web design principles that you must pay attention to? Keep reading to fetch yourself with all the answers.

Three tips to make your website SEO friendly

Layout Design – Your website must have a good layout because nearly 75% of the agencies opine that a poor website user experience can bring things down. It can have a negative effect on your clients. A great website is one that is easy to navigate, and you find it easy to get the information you require. If the site is taking too much time to load, users tend to close the tabs.

Mobile layout design – How many times a day do you view content on your mobile? Probably multiple times. We have all landed up in a situation where we try to scroll or pinch the site to make the content legible. Nobody wants this headache. Moreover, as per the statistics, approximately 85% of the individuals are of the notion that a website must look the same way on their mobiles as it does on the desktop. Ensure to adjust the display with the pixel width on the device you are viewing the site.

Quality content – Millions of people use large-sized images on their websites. It often makes their site slow. Instead, consider adding videos. Experts say that users are ten times more likely to engage with the video in comparison to the picture. So, take full advantage of that. Quality content includes catchy headlines subheadlines with short paragraphs. It is important to write SEO-friendly content. Experts at SEO Canada believe that innovative and SEO-friendly content helps enhance the user experience. Therefore, you cannot overlook the importance of this web design principle.

Call to action – No wonder the purpose of your website is to catch the attention of the audience. But at the same time, you also want them to take action. So, you need to make that easy for your audience by including the call to action. For instance – Try for free, Learn more, Join Us, Download Now, etc. These buttons attract them to know more about the website.

To sum it up

Believe it or not, hiring a website design agency to look after the above-mentioned web design principles for your website can work wonders. An expert web design and development company helps you understand the intricacies of web design and fetch you the desired results.

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