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The Best Books in the Fantasy Genre


Each of us is interested in something of his own, someone cooks, someone plays at the Cookie Casino, and someone reads fantasy. Among the many published genres of literature, it is easy to find something that suits your mood. Fans of fantasy would like to advise fellow readers to pay attention to these books. After all, they are not without reason very popular all over the world!

“American Gods” by Neil Gaiman

America is a country where people who have come from all over the world live. The plot of the book is based on the confrontation of mythological creatures from the folklore of different peoples to the modern world. They hate and despise those who worship the “golden calf” and defend their right to exist. To do this, they had to unite.

“Born of Fog” by Brandon Sanderson

In this trilogy, everyone will find their own. The book will not only brighten up your day but also make you think about your path. For someone it is important to love and be loved, for someone – there is nothing more important than friendship, for someone – you need to learn to trust the world and people, for someone – it is important to find your way in life and faith. Together with the heroes of the novel, we have to decide why we come to this world and whether we are ready to give our lives for a seemingly losing cause. In the plot, this theme is presented with great skill. And it is read in one breath.

“Wheel of Time” by Robert Jordan

This is one of the most ambitious fantasies, consisting of 14 books, but in the process of reading, you will not have to become tired. Events only accelerate as the plot develops. There are a lot of characters in the story, but, as often happens, you can’t confuse them. They are so realistic that they are very easy to remember. Times change each other, the heroes of the epic grow up and change, but they still remain brave and desperate.

“The Lies of Locke Lamora” by Scott Lynch

When you want some kind of adventurous fantasy, this novel is the very thing. It has a roguish hero, intrigues, adventures. At the same time, there is always a terrible premonition in the book. This makes you flip through the pages with feverish speed. The main character gets into such a mess that you begin to empathize with him, although you realize his vices. The narrative of the novel takes place in two time periods. Therefore, sometimes you have to switch to the background.

“Troll Peak” Una Hart

Another novel for fans of legends. This is a family drama in which the heroine’s mother disappeared. There are a lot of adventures and mysticism in the plot. Despite the fact that all the mythological components are woven into the story in a very interesting and subtle way. The book is intended for a teenage audience but should appeal to those who just want to relax while reading high-quality fantasy.

“Dracula” by Bram Stoker

An undying classic of the vampire genre. The novel was written at the end of the XIX century, but still enjoys the attention of readers and screenwriters. The book is written in the form of letters and diary notes, in which there is a gloomy atmosphere of horror. And since they belong to different persons, the proposed story looks slightly different each time. All characters are perceived as good or bad. Probably, it is for this reason that the novel has been filmed many times. And yet every time a new version of the story is perceived in a new way.

“Dark Beginnings” by Philip Pullman

The heroine of the trilogy studies at Oxford school, she is an ordinary girl. It would seem that the story of London at the end of the XIX century. But as you read, everything changes. Gradually, an amazing world opens up in which 12-year-olds must save him. More precisely, there are several magical worlds that you can travel to only with the help of a mysterious knife. You will like this book because it has a lot in common with our cruel world, and teaches you to find your own solutions in life.

lead Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

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