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The growing problem of insecurity about water in the US


Is drinking tap water safe? Many Americans would answer with a resounding no showing a major insecurity about water. Surveys keep showing how increasingly more people do not drink their tap water. Among the competing reasons that lead to these results, one rises above the rest: access to clean water. However, there are viable solutions to this issue, like water purification systems.

What surveys Tell Us

An estimated 60 million Americans refuse to drink the water flowing through their taps. This is due to mistrust that grew beyond the individual; it has morphed into a social phenomenon. Another national study identified concern about contaminants in almost half of the population. However, the most intriguing finding is the large gap between these concerns and corrective action, as many do not take any steps to resolve the problem.

insecurity about water

Access to clean water

One of the main reasons for the survey results is access to clean water. There is a wide range of water filter options available and accessible. It is important to learn more about the composition of what your tap water contains. This allows you to target specific contaminants with the appropriate water purification system.

Depending on where in the US you live, your tap water may contain different contaminants. To learn more about the quality of the tap water in your state check out this resource, also you can enter your ZIP code for a more accurate report.

Hard water

Hard water is a common problem that is relatively easy to identify. If you want a clear answer, check out your glasses, silverware, and clothes. You may notice white spots on your dishes that appear after you have washed them. These are particularly visible on glasses and utensils. However, you can also notice them on the tap or the sink area.

insecurity about water
insecurity about water

Also known as scales, these stains are left by the minerals found in high concentrations in hard water (mainly calcium and magnesium). While these can be removed from surfaces, the buildups are not always visible or accessible. These can also affect the pipes and appliances that use tap water, leading to damage and higher energy bills.

As previously mentioned, the kitchen is not the only place you can notice signs of hard water. Your clean laundry can also showcase white stains from the minerals in the water. Furthermore, your washing machine can be damaged after prolonged exposure. We recommend running a periodical checkup with a professional service.

Societal gaps

While hard water is a common struggle for many households, there are other issues as well.

Research shows that distrust in water is particularly prevalent in ethnic communities, especially among Hispanic and Afro-American households. Disadvantaged communities are more exposed to the risk of environmental injustice. In certain neighbourhoods and regions, residents can be exposed to tap water of subpar quality.

Solutions to get clean water

As bleak as the situation may appear, there are viable solutions to obtain clean water. The market offers a wide range of water purifying systems that can eliminate different contaminants. If you decide to take action, it is ideal to contact an expert in the field and follow their recommendation on what kind of filter to use. Different types of filters target a specific set of debris or chemicals, so it is important to know what your tap water contains.

Installing a water purification system is certainly an investment, but the benefits are long-lasting. However, ongoing maintenance is also needed to ensure that it is properly functioning. At regular intervals, you will have to change the filter of the unit with a new one. You can learn more about cartridge filters and how to extend their lifespan.

Final thoughts

Many underlying factors lead to this pandemic of social distrust in tap water. Highly publicized cases of environmental hazards affecting people from different communities and neighbourhoods also had a major role to play.

Nowadays, there is greater access to information and solutions. Do not hesitate to use the available resources to learn more about the tap water in your household and explore water filters that might solve any problems that you have identified.  

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