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Things You Should Know About Disposable Poly Gloves


You must have seen the restaurant staff changing the gloves in his hands frequently. Thanks to the inexpensive disposable poly gloves. These gloves come with many advantages and make it easier to ensure perfect hygiene in restaurants, deli, cafeteria, bakery, and the likes. But what are disposable poly gloves, what are they made of, and how best should they be used. This article will answer all the questions and many more.

What Are Disposable Poly Gloves?

Disposable poly gloves are light transparent gloves made from polythene. The staff of food processing units usually uses them to protect their hands and prevent contamination. The gloves are latex-free hence can be used by anybody without causing any allergic reaction.

Who Are Disposable Poly Gloves Made For?

Disposable poly gloves are meant to be used in kitchens, bakeries, and anywhere food is being processed. The following are the most popular places you will see people wearing disposable poly gloves:

  • Restaurants
  • Cafeteria
  • Café
  • Deli
  • Bakeries
  • Butchery

Benefits of Using Disposable Poly Gloves

Disposable poly gloves have the following benefits.

  • Protect the Food from Being Contaminated

Wearing disposable poly gloves will ensure you don’t touch the food with your bare hands and prevent the food from being contaminated by your hands. The fact that they are changed frequently also prevents cross-contamination. When you touch a contaminated food or surface, you would have changed the glove before touching another surface.

  • Protect Your Hand from Food Borne Diseases

Not only the food needs to be protected, even you. The gloves ensure you do not touch the food; hence you are protected from food-borne diseases.

  • Disposable Poly Gloves Are Hygienic

Many consumers will not want their food to be processed with bare hands. They will be happier to see you wearing gloves before you touch it. Hence, it is perfectly hygienic to wear disposable poly gloves while processing food.

  • They Are Easy to Use

Using disposable poly gloves is as simple as putting them in your hands and removing them. They are usually large compared to the hand; hence they can easily and quickly fit into the hands, and removing and dumping them is also pretty easy.

  • Disposable Poly Gloves Are Latex Free

Disposable poly gloves do not contain latex; hence they do not cause any allergic reaction. That means anybody can use them without any concern.

  • They Are Light in Weight

These gloves are very light in weight, making it easy o work while they are in hands. You won’t even feel anything in your hands, and they won’t hinder you from doing your job conveniently.

  • They are Versatile

These gloves can be used over a wide range of applications, from bakery to butchery, to restaurants.

  • They can be easily disposed Of

All that a worker needs to do is to remove these gloves from his hands and throw them in the bin. This makes it easy to change the gloves as many times as possible.

  • Disposable Poly Gloves Are Cheap and Readily Available

One great advantage of disposable poly gloves is that they are budget-friendly. These gloves are very cheap; hence you can afford as many of them as you wish for your staff. They are also readily available as there are many manufacturers of gloves. There are also many retail outlets where you can get gloves in boxes and at low prices.

Limitations of Using Disposable Poly Gloves

Despite all these benefits, disposable poly gloves also have their limitations.

  • They Are Not Recyclable

Unfortunately, disposable poly gloves are not recyclable. Every year, billions of these gloves are being manufactured and used, yet new ones need to be manufactured. This takes away a lot of resources from the earth and causes pollution. However, there is much research that is focused on how to recycle disposable poly gloves. Maybe very soon we might start recycling them.

  • Disposable Poly Gloves Are Not Biodegradable

Not only are disposable poly gloves not recyclable, but they are also non-biodegradable. That makes them entirely not friendly with the environment as they cause contamination and pollution of the environment.

  • They Contain High Plasticizer

Disposable poly gloves contain a high amount of plasticizer, which is dangerous to health. Hence they can contaminate the food with the chemical.

How to Use Disposable Poly Gloves

Using disposable poly gloves are pretty easy. To put it on, follow these three basic steps.

  • Step 1: First wash your hands properly with soap and then dry it
  • Step 2: Use one hand to hold the glove and put the other hand into the glove
  • Step 3: Repeat step two for the second hand.

To remove the glove, be careful not to contaminate your hand. Hold it at the cuff and gently pull it till it comes out ultimately. Dump it in a plastic bag immediately. Repeat the process for the second hand.

The Take-Away

Disposable poly gloves are light, inexpensive, and easy to use. They are used in restaurants, bakeries, and any food processing units. Because they prevent the hand from having direct contact with the food, they help protect the food from contamination. They also protect the user from food-borne diseases. Aside from protection, it also looks hygienic to wear them. Unfortunately, they contain a high amount of plasticizer, which is seen as being dangerous to health, but of more concern is the fact that they are not friendly with the environment. Disposable poly gloves are not biodegradable, and they cannot be recycled. Hence they cause environmental pollution. However, much research is on-going on how to recycle these gloves. Hopefully, they will bring a good result.

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