Is the safety of your dog your biggest concern? Follow these tips to keep your dog safe this festive season!
With the holiday season quickly approaching, you may feel stressed about your home and family. Your pets can sense that stress, and it can be more difficult for them to behave during this time of year. But it’s also essential to take extra precautions if you have a pet in the house. There are many things to consider when welcoming guests into your home.
If you have a dog, you must take some measures for their safety during your holiday party. Your pet dog can quickly feel insecure in the presence of new guests, which can lead to stress and uncontrolled behavior. Therefore, before planning your holiday, it’s essential to take some measures to ensure the safety of your pets. This guide will help you ensure your pets’ safety this holiday season.
- Provide Safe Space For Your Dog
Do a little pre-planning when it comes to your party. Invite everyone two weeks before the day of the party. Most dogs will feel more relaxed if they’re introduced to a guest before the actual event. Additionally, you can get your dog accustomed to wearing a collar and leash by introducing it slowly and gradually for a few days before your party.
If your dog is too excited and uncontrollable, then it is essential to ensure the safety of your pets by storing them in an improvised room. It should be an area where they feel comfortable and secure. This will help keep them under control when you spend time with guests.
- Food Arrangement for Your Dog
Setting your dog on a bed or a pillow while the guests are around will create a calm atmosphere. Ensure your guests don’t feed your dog treats during the party to avoid accidents. Here’s a list of food items you can provide your dog at a party:
- Fresh water in a drinking bowl
- Dog biscuits or treats. Giving an item your dog is not used to eating is advisable.
- Canned or dry dog food.
- Dog chews, bones, or stuffed toys. You can get them at the pet shop.
- Dog foods with good nutritional value
Place them in another room if you can’t leave them alone. Also, consider setting food and water bowls next to their beds so they can consume as much as they need when you are not around. It would help if you also remembered to place some small toys by their beds so they have activities to do while you are gone.
- Set a Prepared Bed For Your Pet
it’s essential to get a bed that you can tilt slightly for your dog to rest on. If your dog is old, you should consider getting a mattress that allows him to lie comfortably. Try some beds with covered pillows for dogs who like to snuggle up on them. Try to find more safety tips for your pets to have a good time at your party.
On the day of the party, feed your dog well in advance before any guest arrives home. They will be less likely to chew or lick new or different things during the party! If your dog has an accident in the bed, it should be easy for you to clean it without leaving any stains behind.
- Install A Safety Collar For Your Dog
There are many types of collars, and if you have a medium-sized dog, you should get a safety collar that your dog can wear inside. These collars have reflective features, which make them stand out in the dark.
Another suggestion for an easy method of controlling your dog is to purchase some safety harnesses that fit securely around their chest area. Whenever you take your pet out in public during the party, ensure that they’re wearing one of these harnesses. If your dog cannot wear it, then use some rope or leash to tie their collar around their neck when the guests are around.
- Avoid Undesirable Guests for Your Dog
Some people tend to give their dog any type of food, irrespective of its preferences. But this won’t benefit you and your dog, as it may lead to various health issues like indigestion and upset stomach. If your dog tends to be naughty at times, then consider getting them a basket for their food and water bowls so they won’t get bored while sitting alone.
Therefore, avoid such guests visiting your home during a party, as they can make your dog sick. Instead of them, invite those guests who understand your pet’s needs and ensure that they feed the food accordingly so that no harm is done to the dog in any way.
- A Record For Your Pet
It’s essential to keep a record of your dog’s health information and ask your vet for their advice beforehand. This will help you get advice on managing the dog, particularly during the party. Be prepared before the party with tranquilizing drugs and other medicines. Ensure you have a list of emergency numbers from your veterinarian’s office to contact them if necessary.
If you have a high-energy dog or a puppy, consider getting them a seat so they can be relaxed and not over-excited during the party. To ensure that your dog doesn’t mix with other dogs or people who may leave it unattended in an unfamiliar area, consider using an invisible fence to keep them under control during the party.
- Is it Safe to Feed Party Food to Your Pet Dog?
While planning a party, ensuring that your pet dog has all the required food items is essential. The main concern is ensuring your dog’s safety while feeding them party food. Here are some tips you can follow to make sure that you’re safe and secure this holiday season:
- Refrain from feeding your pet too much
If you offer your pet too much food, they may decide not to eat at all during the party or may even develop vomiting problems afterward. Therefore, avoid feeding them too much food before a party. Instead of giving them more than usual, think about giving them small treats every half-hour.
- Use a specific dog bowl.
Your dog may eat the party food from the plate of your guests, so it’s essential to train them to use their bowls while eating. Get them a bowl that they can easily recognize as their own. This way, they’ll avoid eating food not meant for them.
- Discuss with your guests
Eating party food can cause serious digestion problems and other gut-related issues for your dog. Tell your guests about feeding your dog before the party. Make sure that they know you don’t wish to provide them with any snacks and other foods during the party time.
- Can you feed them human food items?
Try not to give your dog any food that contains onions, garlic, grapes, or grape seed oil. If you have a dog with a peanut allergy, do not give them peanuts or peanut butter, as these may cause an allergic reaction.
Raw party foods may lead to indigestion problems in dogs. Try offering them cooked meat and fish so that they have a better option for food in case they don’t want the party food.
- How to Ensure Pet Safety At A Party?
The safety of your pet dog is the prime concern while planning a party. It’s essential to prepare in advance for your dog’s safety if you’re having a party at your home. To ensure that they are safe and sound, here are some tips you can follow:
- Make sure you have enough space for them to rest and sleep when they aren’t attending the party.
- Ensure that the decorations are appropriate so that your pet dog is comfortable and will not get scared.
- Make sure to invite only well-behaved guests who know how to behave around dogs and other pets.
- A wise choice would be to feed your pet dog during party time so that they remain calm and won’t feel uncomfortable while there’s too much noise in the air.
Start securing your pets’ safety from unwanted strangers in advance. When you’re hosting guests, you don’t want them to become fearful or agitated. You can avoid this by starting early and ensuring your pets are happy, relaxed, and comfortable in your home.
Final Thoughts
The above points can benefit you if you’re planning a party. It will help you ensure that your dog is not uncomfortable and that they remain relaxed throughout the party. Invite only those guests keen to come over and ensure that your dog is completely comfortable with them so they don’t get disturbed during the party. Additionally, try avoiding giving them food items or treats that aren’t meant for them, as it may lead to several problems, such as indigestion, diarrhea, or upset stomach while they digest such items.
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