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Tips To Know Before Styling Bob Haircut


One of the top trending hair styles right now is the bob haircut. This striking hairstyle can be seen on fashionistas, musicians, and famous actors, and they all look stunning. Many women desire the look and are often tempted to have it. However, some don’t research what it takes to have a bob haircut. For example, you need an experienced stylist to achieve your desired look, and your hair texture also matters.

Besides, you will need to cut your hair, and unlike celebrities and fashionistas, you might not afford the time and money to buy an extension if you grow tired of your bob cut. There are also several different bob styles from which to choose, and most importantly you should consider your face shape before choosing. To help you decide whether to get the bob haircut, here are some essential tips you should check before going to a hairstylist. Check them out.

1/ Don’t Ignore Your Face Shape

Bob cuts are unique and dramatic, and all the types will make you look decidedly different from your current look. When choosing a bob haircut, you want a cut that accentuates your facial features and leaves you looking beautiful. If you must wear makeup to contour your face, the bob cut is not the best for you. If you have a strong jawline, get the curved bob cut.

The diagonal style is for those who want to emphasize their jawline, and the square style is for women who wish their cheekbones to be more visible. It is easier to know the best style for your face shape by trying a wig of each bob haircut style. Besides, this is safer because you don’t need to cut your strands first.

2/ Consider Your Hair Texture

Hair texture matters when choosing any hairstyle. Discuss with your stylist about your hair texture before getting the cut. Ask everything about the maintenance, how much it will cost you, and the amount of time you are likely to spend on your hair. Then, the stylist will choose a bob style that works well with your hair texture. For more information on understanding the uniqueness of black hair and its specific characteristics, you may find valuable insights in Allurium Beauty‘s blog post on how black hair is different.

If you have fine hair, you could try the short bobs because they leave your hair looking thick. Thick hair will look good with a long bob haircut. Besides, this hair length is easy to maintain and style. People with naturally curly hair can wear a bob that is longer at the front and short at the back.

3/ And The Expenses

Bob haircut styles are easy to style but require a certain amount of upkeep. For example, you need regular trims to keep the style in shape. You can do this every six weeks. However, trimming yourself at home is challenging, so you need a stylist.

Therefore, you should budget for maintenance costs after every six weeks. You will also purchase hair products like gel and moisturizers to keep your strands intact.

If you dye your hair, ensure you get a quality one. Cheap dyes can weaken and cut your hair causing hair loss and damage. Besides, others irritate the skin. Therefore, ask your stylist for the best dye for your hair and buy from a reputable company.

4/ Consider How Much Styling Your New Hairstyle Needs

You don’t want the hairdo to take all your time in the morning styling it, so you must first know how long it will take. You should also know the different ways to style your bob haircut so that you don’t wear one style all through.

Some people must wash their hair every day when showering. However, if your bob style has curls, washing the hair means you spend another hour or two making the curls. Also, note that hair with dye need more care and attention and use the right products. This could therefore take you more time to get ready.

Before applying the dye, ask the stylist what you need to do to keep it for longer. For example, you should avoid washing your hair daily because the dye will get washed off. On the other hand, if you wear a straight bob haircut, styling will be straightforward because it just needs combing.

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