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What is Botox?


Wrinkles are signs of aging. We develop facial lines and wrinkles as we age because of many reasons like reduced collagen and elastin, overexposure to the rays of the sun, and different types of facial expressions, such as frowning, smiling, and squinting. Most people will start to get wrinkles after the age of 25 but it really becomes apparent after 50. Sometimes, however, they appear sooner than expected. Those with wrinkles before the expected age look older than they actually are.

Botox is a popular treatment for wrinkles. It is a medicine made from a toxin, which comes from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The drug is administered as an injection.

Botox Injections

Botox injections weaken or paralyze some nerves and muscles. Once the toxin is released, it temporarily relaxes the muscles of your face by blocking their nerve signals. This freezes the area. The muscles cannot move as a result, even though the brain is signaling your body to move these muscles. The muscles cannot contract, making your wrinkles become softer. The formation of new wrinkles is also prevented.

The effects of Botox for wrinkles will last between 3 to 12 months, depending on the area of treatment. You will need follow-up Botox injections after this.

The toxin used in these injections is the same toxin that can cause life-threatening food poisoning. The toxin can be very dangerous. According to some scientists, only a gram of the toxin in a crystalline form can kill a million people. A couple of kilograms can kill every person on the planet.


However, the same toxin, when injected in only small, controlled doses, can provide good results for wrinkles. That is why you have to get the treatment only from the Botox clinic in Toronto. Always remember, this is a new treatment for wrinkles, so you won’t find a lot of professionals with the knowledge and experience of administering the injection safely.

Botox for Cosmetic Use

The main application of Botox injection is for the permanent or temporary reduction of facial wrinkles. According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery,

“Botulinum type A injections are by far the most popular cosmetic treatments performed nationwide, helping millions fight wrinkles & rejuvenate their appearance”.

More than 7 million people in the US received the injection in 2016 alone. Most people get the injection in these areas of their face –

• Wrinkles around their eyes or the crow’s feet
• Wrinkled between their eyebrows or the frown lines
• Lines at the corner of their mouth
• Horizontal creases in their forehead
• The cobblestone skin on their chin

Botox was approved for cosmetic use by the FDA in 2002. Some people get the injection also to improve the appearance of their hair. However, more research is needed before we can know for sure whether this works.

Botox for Medical Use

The FDA has approved local Botox injections to treat many medical conditions for those above the age of 18 years, like –

• Lazy Eye – The most common cause is an imbalance in the muscles that position the eye.
• Blepharospasm or uncontrollable blinking
• Chronic migraine
• Cervical dystonia, which causes severe shoulder, neck contractions
• Strabismus or misaligned eyes
• Overactive bladder

According to a study carried out in 2017, the injection may also be used to treat facial redness, flushing, scars from wounds, the inflammatory skin disease hidradenitis suppurativa, and blistering lesions from the Hailey disease. However, the report also mentions that

“further clinical trials are still needed to better understand the real efficacy and safety of these applications and to standardize injection and dose protocols”.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers or soft tissue fillers are also injections that are mostly applied for treating the laugh lines. They can remove or decrease the wrinkle from below your eyes. The fillers can also plump up your cheek, lips, and even breasts. Sometimes, they are also used to treat scars.


These fillers are made with calcium hydroxylapatite, hyaluronic acid, transparent polyalkylimide gel, and polylactic acid, which will increase the production of collagen in your body.

Restylane and Juvéderm are two popular dermal fillers. These face fillers are both administered at the doctor’s office. They are made with Hyaluronic Acid, a naturally occurring chemical that makes your skin appear youthful.


Botox and fillers will both need follow-up sessions. Most fillers last for six months. There are some fillers, though, which may last for up to two years.

Difference Between Botox and Fillers

There are some differences between them –

• Botox freezes your muscles to stop the wrinkles and creases. The injection can treat your forehead wrinkle, under-eye wrinkle, those between the eyebrows, and around the eyes.

• Wrinkle fillers plump up or fill the facial areas that have lost their smoothness and volume. The treatment can be administered for your smile lines, frown lines, cheeks, and lips. Face fillers are also used to treat scars and wrinkles in the places where you want the skin to look smoother.

Long Term Effects of Botox and Fillers

Botox injectable fillers are FDA-approved and safe. There can only be minor side effects, including –

• Headache
• Swelling or bruising at the place of the injection
• Flu-like symptoms
• Drooling or cooked smile
• Droopy eyelids
• Excessive tearing or eye dryness

In extremely rare cases, Botox injections can also cause vision problems, muscle weakness, difficulties in breathing, problems in swallowing, or weak bladder control. Always call your doctor immediately if you see any of these side effects. Avoid Botox injections if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or allergic to cow milk.

Dermal injection too has some side effects, like itching, swelling, redness, pain, and in rare cases an infection or tissue death.

Will the Injection Hurt?

Botox injections won’t hurt as the needles are very small. You may not feel anything at all. There can just be a slight pinching sensation.

The doctor sometimes applies a topical cream to further reduce the chance of pain. If it pains, it will probably be from a rare side effect. Some people report a little bump at the injection place, which looks like a mosquito bite. This bump is sure to go away in a few days.

Botox injection is very effective to treat your wrinkles and fine lines. It will give you temporary relief. You may even get a permanent cure after follow-up sessions. Call up 855-929-0199 in Toronto for more information and to schedule your personal wrinkle treatment plan.

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