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Capitalize on holiday shopping with a brand activation in Toronto


As the holiday season picks up in intensity, the malls are packed, the sidewalks are elbow-to-elbow, and despite the weather, crowds are out in force to get their holiday shopping done.

The holiday season is also an emotionally-charged time when brands find it easier to cultivate meaningful moments with their audiences. Between the crowds and the sentiment of the season, there is a lot that brands can work with.

Brands looking to capitalize on the busy holiday season can use activations to get out into the world and drive impressions. Here’s how you can get more out of holiday brand activations.

Target Busy Retail Environments

The right location can make or break your experiential marketing campaign. The location needs to match both your brand and the event you have planned, but most brands are going to need to locate somewhere with high traffic volumes. More traffic means more eyeballs on your campaign and a better ROI.

Get More Attention with Digital Signage

One of the struggles brands face with their activations is getting attention in a busy environment. One technology that can help is portable digital billboards. You can rent digital signage in Toronto that can be installed anywhere within minutes. Portable digital billboards don’t have to be complicated or time-consuming to install.

Not only can portable digital billboards get more eyes on your activation, but they can also be an integral part of your activation. The right digital signage can be incorporated into interactive experiences, such as gamification.

Amplify your activation with the right technology to get your message across.

Sponsor Seasonal Events and Markets

The holidays are a great time for brands looking to sponsor events, festivals, and holiday markets. Every year, there are dozens of neighbourhood Christmas markets, fairs, and bazaars. Then there are New Year’s Eve parties, fireworks displays, and other events that can all be leveraged for activations.

The key to a successful brand activation is meeting audiences at the right time and place. If you want people to stop and engage for an extended period of time, an activation outside of Union Station at rush hour may not be successful.

Getting people when they’re out and enjoying themselves is the perfect time to engage, as long as you have something fun and value-added to offer. Get more involved with your sponsorships and meet people out in the world.

Donation Campaigns

The holidays aren’t just about shopping; they’re also a time when people think about giving to charitable causes and not-for-profits. From late November through to the end of December, Canadians give billions of dollars, more than any other time of year, and roughly 40% of total annual donations.

That makes the holidays a critical season for charitable organizations. One way they can extend their reach and increase donations is with donation kiosks.

Portable digital billboards can be deployed in high-traffic areas to help explain your cause, increase donation frequency, and engage donors. The right digital signage meets the audience at eye level with dynamic messaging and simplifies the donation process.

They can help drive donations in hospitals, museums, places of worship, and in commercial areas.

Take advantage of the holidays with a brand activation. Meet new audiences and get your message out into the world with an in-person, interactive engagement.

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