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Food and Drink

This sections features Toronto restaurants, restaurateurs, chefs, cafes, bars, pubs and all things food and drink!

Toronto's culinary scene boasts an array of fantastic dining destinations that serve mouth-watering brunches to satisfy every palate. Here is a comprehensive guide to Toronto's 7 Best Brunch Spots in 2024! Whether you prefer classic breakfast fare, international flavours, or innovative culinary creations, these restaurants...
Bubble tea continues its meteoric rise in popularity, both here in Toronto and across the globe. It seems like everywhere you turn, someone is stabbing a broad straw into a sealed cup, eagerly and excitedly digging into a cup of boba. We could bore you...
When it comes to spoiling yourself, there's nothing quite like taking yourself out for a really great breakfast. Toronto has endless breakfast options, from on-the-go treats, to sit-down feasts, there's something for all budgets and time scales. We've taken on the arduous task of searching...
TORONTO, May 9, 2023 – The Charming Taste of Europe, a campaign that connects food, cultures, and territories, bringing European taste and charm to North American palates, is back in Toronto and holding a reception tomorrow evening at French restaurant, Gare De L'Est. The evening will showcase high-quality Italian...
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