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Our opinion section is simply that; personal takes from our freelance writers and guest posters.

Today, you can simply pick up your phone, and a myriad of online betting, casino, and gambling options are waiting at your fingertips. But this hasn’t always been so. The history of gambling in Ontario is filled with ups and downs, highs and lows. From...

Canada is known for its beautiful landscapes and vibrant cities, which attract visitors worldwide every year. In addition, Canada is a popular hub for transpacific travel to many destinations in.

In the digital age, the gaming industry in Canada has seen a remarkable evolution, particularly in the way transactions are conducted. With the rapid growth of online gaming, Canadian gamers have a plethora of payment options at their disposal, each offering unique benefits and conveniences....
A challenging economic future for Ontario The Ontario budget recently tabled by the Ford government is poised to have a significant impact on Toronto, the province's economic powerhouse. This historic $214.5-billion spending package, while introducing new programs, signals a potentially challenging economic future for Ontario....
COVID-19 is staging a comeback In an unsettling turn of events, the spectre of COVID-19 is staging a comeback that carries the ominous weight of endurance. As regions grapple with a resurgence of cases, there is a palpable sense that this time, the virus may...
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