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Essential Apps for Office Workers in Large Corporations


We live in a world of work-from-home environments and flexible working models. The pandemic taught us that business productivity doesn’t have to be achieved through working in one location. Resources from around the world can gather and deliver great results due to the advancements in technology.

We’ve also seen that these technological advancements have changed the way we structure our day and increase our overall productivity. Let’s look at some of the best free productivity apps that can reduce manual labour and ensure maximum output from professional resources:

1. Trello

Trello is an excellent business productivity tool for folks who require a visual task management system. It acts as a to-do list and a tracking tool for projects, creating a visual workflow and process management system. Its cloud-based platform allows you to collaborate with others and upload documents directly to tasks, all while keeping everything in one location.

Trello takes the cake when it comes to easy office apps. Its incredibly user-friendly interface makes it simple for anyone to pick up in a matter of minutes, making it an excellent tool for firms with significant staff turnover or those that rely on contractors who come and go.

2. Fax App

When you’re having a busy day, running to the Fax machine to send fax can be quite a hindrance to your business productivity. The Fax lets you connect your iPhone and scan any documents and simply fax them from the phone. How convenient, right? Simply go for the free trial of the iPhone fax app on the Apple store and see how it can benefit your business. Save time by keeping the fax machine in your pocket!

3. Skedulo

Skedulo is a mobile software for teams working on multiple job sites that answers the 5W question: who, what, where, why, and when. Managers may schedule their staff at a given time and job site, complete with a job description, using this workplace software. The shift is communicated to the entire team, ensuring that all projects are properly coordinated. This is great for overall business productivity.

Job information can also be exported or utilized in conjunction with other apps, thanks to built-in capabilities such as maps and calendars. Additionally, the app’s data capture capabilities allow workers to document the job as it’s being done for recordkeeping and transparency.

4. Evernote

Taking notes is an undervalued ability that can be quite useful in the business. Evernote remains the top in note-taking workplace tools and best business apps, whether it’s for keeping track of a meeting’s discourse or jotting down project ideas. It’s also so simple to use that it may rapidly become a part of any office environment.

Evernote also shines in its multimedia capabilities. Pictures and video can be added to notes, and they can be transformed into checklists, tagged and annotated, or stitched together for a more comprehensive understanding.

Evernote makes it simple to keep track of notes, whether for personal or group use.

5. CamCard

CamCard is a unique app that allows you to store business cards in your smartphone. If you work in networking or sales, your rolodex must be filled with business cards. This app gives you an opportunity to digitize cards and get access to them any time!

No more stress finding a certain business cards. You can even make phone calls and send email with just a swipe of a finger. Such a virtual rolodex will come in handy to every office worker.

6. Zendesk

Every business has its own set of procedures and practices. Regrettably, not all of them have documented Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Zendesk serves as a central location for all of your company’s Q&A and SOP documentation.

You can direct anyone who has a query to Zendesk, where the response has already been stored. You can also quickly create an entry for future reference if it’s a brand-new inquiry.

Zendesk has the added benefit of being a product that can be used both internally and outside. Create a product that your clients may use to streamline customer service by using it as a workplace app for your day-to-day operations.

7. Expensify

Expense scenarios occur frequently, and they are frequently accompanied by a time-consuming paperwork process. Expensify is a must-have mobile employee tool for real-time cost monitoring and cataloguing. This a business productivity app that will actually help you save some precious time.

An employee just inputs the nature of the purchase, the quantity, and any other pertinent information when making a purchase. They can then use their smartphone to take a picture of the receipt. The expenses can then be processed and reimbursed individually or in bulk. This tool eliminates the problems and pitfalls associated with cost reporting while also reducing processing time for faster reimbursement.

Your goal should be to use the best business apps to ensure that you increase your overall productivity as a business and are able to focus more on tasks that need your utmost attention.

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