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Four reasons to consider four implants


Losing several or all of your teeth can change the structure of your face, leaving it looking gaunt and drawn. All on Four dental implants can restore facial fullness to give a more youthful appearance.

All-on-four implants can help restore confidence to your smile by replacing an entire arch of teeth, and enable you to eat without experiencing discomfort.

1. Permanent Solution to Tooth Loss

Missing teeth can create many issues for patients, from an unsightly appearance to difficulty chewing or speaking and even bone loss. While dentures or bridges may provide temporary solutions to tooth loss, dental implants offer permanent solutions that restore your smile as well as oral health.

Implants integrate with the jawbone through osseointegration, making them appear and function just like natural teeth. This is particularly true if four dental implants are strategically arranged in order to form a secure fixed bridge.

All on 4 treatment is a popular solution that offers stable restoration of an entire upper or lower arch of teeth with a success rate exceeding 99 percent. Unfortunately, not everyone is suitable for All on 4. To determine your eligibility for All on 4, we will conduct a Cone Beam CT (CBCT) scan at our dental implant center to study your jaws more thoroughly and allow Dr. Navid Rahmani, our implant specialist, to ascertain if there is enough bone density to support an implant; otherwise we may suggest zygomatic implants which use longer screws which anchor into cheekbones rather than your upper jaw – another method available to us when considering All on 4.

2. Aesthetically Pleasing

All-on-Four implants differ from traditional dentures by being screwed directly into place – making them appear more natural while restoring your youthful smile. They allow for more confident speaking and eating of food without covering up soft palate.

All-on-Four implants provide a cost-effective and safe solution to full mouth restoration. By replacing multiple missing teeth using only four dental implants, this solution reduces overall costs associated with tooth replacement processes and saves on overall cost while being more reliable and more effective than traditional implant solutions.

Patients who receive All-on-Four implants report increased self-esteem and confidence. No longer must they worry about taking out their device at night or feeling embarrassed when out socializing; now they can feel free to smile freely with friends without needing to hide their smile. Furthermore, All-on-Four implant treatment is less invasive than other traditional dental options, with faster recovery periods and fewer office visits required for care.

3. Stable

Dental implants are surgically placed into your jawbone and fuse with it over time, providing more stability than traditional dentures. This is especially important if all your teeth have been extracted; all on four dental implants have been designed to remain strong enough so you can eat, talk and smile normally without discomfort.

All on Four dental implants can also help if you suffer from bone loss, helping prevent further bone resorption and eliminating costly bone grafting procedures. Unlike dentures that must be taken out for cleaning purposes, All on 4 Implants are permanent fixtures which do not require special care or attention, lasting over 25 years without needing replacement, maintenance, or treatment – making them an investment into your health and well-being that could save money down the line! For more information, reach out to your local dentist to see if All On 4 Dental Implants could be right for you today!

4. Long-Lasting

Implants are surgically attached directly to the jawbone, helping keep it strong. This makes implants ideal for those missing all their teeth as it will help avoid bone loss associated with traditional dentures.

All-on-four implants, with proper care and maintenance, can last a lifetime and offer greater comfort than traditional dentures. Patients who struggle to adhere to the rigorous cleaning regime associated with removable dentures will appreciate how easy the maintenance of all-on-four implants can be.

If you need multiple missing or badly damaged teeth replaced, consult with a local dental professional about All on Four Implant procedure. Consultations are free, which allows them to determine whether this restorative treatment is right for them. Patients can receive all their new replacement teeth in just one visit which allows them to return quickly to life.

For more information about Toronto All on Four implants, please contact our office today for a free consultation.

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