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How much do exterminator services cost in various large cities in Canada?


When you are thinking about going with a good exterminator service, it’s important to consider the options that are out there and how they will play out for you.

It is not easy to go with the right fit, and that is why many people struggle.

You will want to look at the options that are out there and then compare the rates others are getting. Here is a breakdown of the largest cities in Canada and what the exterminator services are like in these areas.


Let’s begin with one of the biggest and most populous cities in the nation. This bustling metropolitan is home to numerous exterminator services, which often makes it easy to find a good deal for those who are taking the time to look for one.

In general, Toronto is going to have services that charge approximately $250-$300. However, this is going to depend on the type of service you are getting down and how bad the problem is. This can go up to $1000 depending on what is happening on-site.


Montreal is another major city in Canada and will have high extermination rates for pest control. This means you are going to be charged approximately $200 just to get an easier removal done. While if the situation is much worse and a lot of work is required, it can go up to $800.

Once again, this is going to depend on what the issue is and how long the pest removal is going to take. Montreal does have numerous services to choose from, and it’s recommended to compare options. 


Most exterminator services in Vancouver tend to have listed prices that are specific to the pests you are dealing with on-site. This is going to range from $200 to $800, depending on the animal, along with what needs to be done to get rid of them. 

Vancouver is a city that is home to numerous pests, but that also means there are various services also willing to put in the time to offer their options.

This is good for those who want to find a deal that works for them. 


Ottawa tends to be slightly more affordable than the other populous cities in Canada. This means it is possible to get a simpler job done within $100, but some of the more difficult exterminator services are going to require up to $400.

This is still quite affordable when looking at the rates in other cities around the nation. It is important to note there are fewer options to choose from too. 


This is a unique city when it comes to the rates you are going to see for extermination. In general, the rates tend to skew higher than they would be expected to, and that is due to the rarity of the options that are available in town.

In most cases, a simpler job is going to come out to be around $200, while other services can range up to $700 or more.

This is why it’s important to consult with a good team to see what they can do for you in this part of the country.


It can be quite affordable to get a simpler pest control service completed in Edmonton. It will often charge less than $100 to finish the removal. For jobs that are far more tedious and/or labour-intensive, it is common for the rates to go up to $500.

It is best to look at what is out there in your city, as it does have a few options for you to choose from. It is best to find what works for you.


Calgary is similar to Edmonton when it comes to its services. It will have an initial cost that is going to be around $100, but a far more complex removal is going to go up to $400.

This is an important detail to think about when consulting with a service provider in the heart of Calgary to learn more about your options.


You are going to get good deals in Halifax, and it is common for a person to pay less than $100 for a simple service. At the same time, a more complex service is going to be around $300. 

This is cheaper than some of the other cities in the region, but it also has fewer options.

Quebec City

It can get expensive in Quebec City for those who are looking to get rid of pests on-site. It is common for a simple job to cost $200, while a more tedious job is going to range up to $500. 

It is best to look around to see which service provider is right for you.

Final Thoughts 

These are the details to think about when it comes to exterminator costs in some of the nation’s largest cities. There are numerous options available within each city, and the most important thing a potential customer can do is look around.

You will want to take the time to compare options and see what is out there. This is the best way to make sure you don’t end up settling for a solution that is not going to work out. This is a one-stop option that is going to keep things simple as long as you are comparing what is out there.

Find a good deal, and you will see the results you are hoping for.

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