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How to stick to your monthly budget


Since 2020, the UK energy market has experienced a significant decrease in the number of energy companies available for selection. While it may not be wise to switch providers currently, we have put together some helpful advice for when it becomes a more enticing option. The primary energy providers in the market supply energy to roughly seventy percent of households in the country. Recent research, however, suggests some of these prominent companies may not be regarded as among the top performers. This article aims to explore the energy providers accessible in the UK.

Ranking Energy Companies

The energy market is crowded with companies and plans that claim to be environmentally friendly or ‘green’. However, as there is no standardized definition of ‘green,’ it is crucial to confirm that you are receiving what you envision before committing to anything. During a specific period, energy companies provided information on several sustainability measures. The responses were evaluated based on various factors, and companies such as Ecotricity, GEUK, and Good Energy were identified as eco-friendly providers of energy for 2022.

The companies were evaluated based on the sales of green power, direct purchase or generation of renewables, sale of carbon-intensive energy, sale of green gas, offering time-of-use tariffs, offering above-average Smart Export Guarantee rates, transparency and clarity of websites, and more.click here to learn more on how to compare and choose your energy provider. Ecotricity was the initial to provide ‘green electricity’ derived from renewables and sells only tariffs powered entirely by renewable energy. Additionally, it supplies a portion of ‘green gas’ from biomethane, using customer funds to finance new renewable energy production. Good Energy, on the other hand, purchases electricity from over 1,700 standalone producers of renewable energy, while GEUK exclusively sells purely green gas. Other companies, such as Eon Next, Octopus Energy, Outfox the Market, Ovo Energy, and So Energy, also offer tariffs with entirely renewable energy. However, other tariffs might contain different fuel mixes, and some suppliers also sell gas tariffs with a portion of green gas.

Technology and Energy

Some energy companies are improving their digital services by offering online tools and mobile apps. For instance, Ovo Energy’s online account lets customers track their energy usage and perform tasks like sending meter readings or paying bills. Smart meters are also becoming more widespread, with most companies installing wireless meters that can send usage figures to the supplier. Pay-as-you-go smart meters are provided by vendors that when a user’s balance is low, notify them. Numerous energy providers also provide mobile apps for consumers to track their energy usage. A few businesses are also selling savvy home products including security cameras, smart plugs, and thermostats. British Gas, Ovo Energy, Scottish Power, and Shell Energy are among the companies that offer these products.

Energy Bundles

Several companies offer the convenience of combining various in-home services into a single monthly bill. One company pioneered this approach, offering several services as part of its package. According to the company, this simplifies life for customers. In a recent survey of energy suppliers, we received positive feedback from several customers who appreciated the all-in-one approach.

However, this company is not the exclusive provider that offers bundled services. Another company provides heater and boiler cover, while a third company offers broadband in addition to energy services.

Energy Tariffs

Intelligent tariffs demand an intelligent meter and offer a reduction compared to regular meter tariffs. Some intelligent tariffs provide more affordable rates for electricity consumed at particular times of the day. For example, the Agile Octopus tariff from Octopus Energy follows wholesale energy prices every half-hour and updates its rates, allowing clients to cut costs by reducing electrical use during the least expensive hours. As more people own electric vehicles and smart meters become more prevalent, the government anticipates that smart tariffs will become more prevalent.

EV tariffs are intended for electric vehicle owners and necessitate an intelligent meter and a charger for electric vehicles. These tariffs provide less expensive electricity for several hours, generally overnight, to assist in charging the vehicle’s battery more affordably. Energy providers that offer EV tariffs include EDF Energy, Octopus Energy, British Gas, and Ovo Energy.

Finally, several energy providers, such as Boost Energy and Utilita, focus on those who use prepaid energy meters. Boost enables clients that use smart meters to recharge their energy credit online or through the company’s mobile application. Utilita has a comparable system where consumers can check their energy credit and replenish their accounts using the My Utilita application

In Conclusion

In conclusion, when it comes to selecting an energy provider in the UK, it’s important to consider factors beyond just price. Evaluating a company’s sustainability measures, digital tools, bundled services, and energy tariffs can help you make an informed decision. With the rise of renewable energy and smart technology, it’s becoming easier than ever to manage your energy usage and reduce your carbon footprint. By taking the time to research and compare energy providers, you can find one that aligns with your values and meets your needs.

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