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How Tylenol may have a role in Autism


Many people are now aware of the link between acetaminophen, also known as Tylenol, and autism. Acetaminophen is a pain reliever and fever reducer, among other things. A review of studies published by John Hopkins found that parents may inadvertently use acetaminophen during pregnancy for their pre-term infants, which may lead to an increased risk of autism in those children. There are legal options for those affected. Here are some legal options that may be available to you if your child has been diagnosed with autism due to taking acetaminophen before birth.

What Is Autism?

Autism is a complex developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people and how they experience the world around them. The condition is lifelong, and there is no cure. Symptoms usually appear during the first three years of life and affect a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others, as well as their sense of identity and the world around them. People with autism can also have learning and behavior problems. There is no single cause of autism; however, there are a number of factors that can increase the risk of developing the condition, including genetics and environmental factors such as exposure to infections during pregnancy or early life.

Filing A Claim

If your baby has developed autism linked to the use of acetaminophen while pregnant then you may be eligible to pursue legal action by filing a personal injury claim. There are various laws and regulations in place to protect you and help to ensure access to treatment and support for your child. To file a claim, you will need to speak to a lawyer to discuss the details of your case. Your lawyer will then advise you on the legal process to follow and help you to put together a claim for compensation on your behalf.

Finding the Right Lawyer

Most personal injury lawyers can offer advice on whether you have a valid claim for compensation and assist you with the legal processes involved. To find a lawyer in your area, you should contact your local Bar Association and ask for recommendations or contact a law firm directly using the contact details provided on their website.

Before you agree to work with a particular firm you should always find out how much they charge for their legal services and whether they will be willing to take on a case like yours on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis. You should also learn more about their experience handling cases like yours and the type of settlements they have achieved for their clients.

When it comes to finding a lawyer, it can be difficult to choose someone that you can have confidence in and trust to represent you. It is recommended that you look for an experienced lawyer who specializes in dealing with cases of medical malpractice such as this.

Do your research and ask friends and family for recommendations where possible. It is important to find a lawyer you trust and will be comfortable working with to ensure your best interests are protected at all times.

How Much Compensation Could I Receive?

The amount that you will receive as compensation for your injury will depend on a number of factors, including the extent of your injuries and the impact they have had on your life. You may also be able to receive compensation to cover any financial losses that you have incurred as a result of your injury such as medical expenses and loss of earnings.

In some cases, it may be possible to obtain additional funds to cover the cost of long-term rehabilitation. Typically, a claims examiner appointed by the insurance company will determine how much compensation you are entitled to receive. They will consider the nature and severity of your injuries, your financial position and that of your family.


Tylenol’s connection to autism is not fully understood yet, but there does seem to be a connection between its use during pregnancy and the development of autism in a child later in their life. If your child has been diagnosed with autism, it could be that they have been exposed to too much of this substance in the womb and it may have caused damage to the cells in their brain.

If you believe that your child was exposed to an excessive amount of Tylenol or other pain relievers during their pregnancy, you may be able to take legal action to claim damages for the injuries that your child has suffered as a result. Contact an attorney to discuss whether you have a valid claim to receive compensation for your child’s injuries.

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