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Say Goodbye to Sagging Eyelids


Eyes are windows to the soul, but when they droop it can make you appear tired and haggard even after an extensive sleep cycle. While there are natural treatments that may tighten loose skin in this area, an eyelid lift or blepharoplasty surgery is the ideal way to address severe eyelid sagging.

Blepharoplasty, the cosmetic procedure which removes extra fat, skin and muscle from both upper and lower eyelids to restore youthful, energetic features, also correcting any drooping eyelids that could interfere with vision.

Before undertaking plastic surgery, it’s essential to consult a board-certified plastic surgeon. He or she will discuss your goals and perform a medical examination to make sure you are fit enough for the procedure, including reviewing family histories and any current health problems which might impact its success.

Reasons behind loose, saggy eyelid skin include age-related changes, sun damage, genetic factors and smoking effects. Loose skin can give the impression of baggy-ness while leading to physical and psychological complications; although natural remedies may tighten loose skin locally but won’t address underlying issues.

Eyelid droop can sometimes be caused by weakening of the levator muscle – responsible for raising lids – leading to ptosis and making you appear older than you really are.

Puffiness, excess fat accumulation and muscle weakness may all play a part in eyelid drooping. Diabetes weakens eye muscles while high blood sugar can damage nerves that provide them with essential nutrition.

According to the cause of your sagging eyelids, there are various blepharoplasty surgeries you can select from for corrective measures. Levator Muscle Repositioning, which tightens muscles that raise your lid. Another popular choice is Muller Muscle Repositioning which tightens both upper and lower eyelid muscles for improved overall eye health.

Other types of blepharoplasty procedures include double eyelid lift, triple eyelid lift and forehead lift surgeries. Each offers their own set of benefits to help achieve desired results, so the first step in choosing an eyelid surgery that’s right for you should be meeting with a board-certified plastic surgeon for a consultation appointment. Once there, an reputable physician will evaluate your health history, medications taken and drug allergies to help determine your suitability for surgery; after which they’ll discuss goals you wish to meet as part of this plan before also suggesting other treatments which will maximize results of this blepharoplasty treatment plan.

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