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The Ultimate Guide On Choosing A Canada Immigration Consultant


A well-established identity in a globalized society is more important than ever before. The ability to function in society requires that an individual possess a set of documents confirming their nationality. In Canada, these can be passports, resident permits, and even citizenship cards. Acquiring these documents as a non-national requires going through the immigration process.

However, the application procedures and their requirements are highly complex. The fact that they are required can be daunting to those just about to move to Canada. A lot of attention and experience come into play to ease this difficult and extensive process. Hence, contacting a professional Canadian immigration consultant will help to facilitate the process.

This guide is the ultimate resource to assist with this process and for those thinking about the steps. Herewith is an exhaustive list of requirements and the associated fee structure. Using the information will increase anyone’s chances of relocating to Canada.

Why Canada?

Canada is a developed country that has seen its economy expand tremendously over the years and is currently on par with other well-established nations of the world. In terms of cultural richness, it has also seen its language, food, art, music, sports, and other features flourish as well. They’ve contributed to non-nationals seeking temporary and permanent residence through the Canadian immigration process.

The Canadian healthcare system, education, and work opportunities are also worth considering when evaluating why to move to Canada. And as with other thriving countries, moving is an exciting experience that will transform anyone’s life. It also has one of the most diverse and welcoming cultures. All in all, it is the perfect place to migrate to and start a beautiful life.

Canadian Immigration

Non-nationals can move to Canada via any of these three immigration categories: study permit, family sponsorship, economic and business immigration. Each of these options determines the type of application process to follow. Likewise, although not general, the destined province of choice influences the documentation an immigrant needs to possess.

If you can’t determine which of the above-mentioned immigration categories is proper for you, hiring a Canadian immigration consultant is more than required, which will make the whole process more professional and will increase your chances of success.

On the surface, an applicant would need a passport, proof of identity, birth certificates, financial proof, work experience documentation (for skilled workers) or letter of admission and other educational documents (for migrating students), language assessment results, medical records, and other supporting documents. As earlier stated, some of these documentations depend on the type of application in view.

Once this requirement is in place, the application process follows. But then, not every applicant understand or utilize the Canadian immigration process to its fullest. For this reason, non-nationals need the services of Canadian immigration consultants to assist with the application process, including providing counselling and visa processing.

Each visa type has its processing duration, which commences once the Canadian authorities receive the would-be immigrant’s application. Generally, the application period lasts between two and four weeks. For some, it may take longer.

Roles of Canadian Immigration Consultants

Canadian immigration consultants provide several services that are valuable in migrating to Canada. To begin with, they conduct assessments to determine if an applicant is eligible for a temporary resident visa, which over the years can be replaced with a permanent resident visa or a citizenship card. If the individual meets the condition, the consultant commences a mock interview (in some cases) in preparation for the visa interview.

Another area where Canadian immigration consultants are invaluable is in the preparation of immigration applications and paperwork. Once collated from the applicant, they ensure that the information supplied is accurate and credible enough to make the application process successful. The services of such consultants are beneficial for all types of applicants, whether they are students, workers, business people, or family persons.

Why Hire a Canadian Immigration Consultant?

The Canadian immigration law is lengthy and complicated and hence, the services of Canadian immigration consultants prove useful in many areas. In fact, some of the benefits that an applicant receives from hiring the services of such consultants include the following:

Counselling on Choosing the Right Visa

Many applicants are overwhelmed with the variety of visa options available, ranging from visitor visas to express entry program visas. In choosing any of these, they need to be cautious so as not to proceed with the wrong type, which can result in a denied application. Besides, not many of them know which visa is best for the application.

Canadian immigration consultants do not only guide visa selection, but they also help their clients provide the required documentation for the selected visa type. They ensure that the details provided are sufficient and of a high quality so that they can be accepted by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada(IRCC) Department.

Updated Knowledge and Experience on Canadian Immigration Law

A large number of consultants are experts in immigration law, having practised for a long time. They have seen and faced many visa applications and thus, know about the intricacies of the process. Their in-depth knowledge is adequate to ensure that a client is not denied the visa application, whether it is for study or business purposes.

Apart from being familiar with the nuances of the law, they are also well aware of any policy change. This enables them to provide effective advice to their clients and, hence, the quality of their services is not compromised.

Provide Solutions to Arising Issues

Canadian immigration consultants come to the rescue in the face of immigration problems, which may include visa refusal,

  • Due to lack of necessary documents
  • Due to ineligibility
  • Due to non-compliance
  • Due to a lack of sufficient explanation, to mention a few.

These consultants can help their clients understand the reasons behind the rejection and come up with solutions to overcome such challenges. Canadian immigration consultants also guide applicants who are stuck on the waitlist as they have not received any response from the IRCC.

How Much Do Canadian Immigration Consultants Charge?

A licensed Canadian immigration consultant charges a reasonable fee that covers all the services provided. The typical cost varies from $1,500 to $2,500 but may vary based on experience, application type, the value provided, and available resources. If applying for a permanent resident, the application fee is $825 (CAD). Visa and PR fees for single applicants hovers around $1,325 (CAD).

The dependent fee for each child is $225 (CAD), while the application fee for a couple is $2,650 (CAD), plus an additional fee of $500 (CAD) for Right to PR.


One of the smartest decisions an immigrant can make is to hire a Canadian immigration consultant, considering their value and success rate. Such professionals are known for their ethical, transparent, and client-focused approach. Their extensive experience not only helps them gain confidence in their jobs but also proves that they are true experts.

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