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TOtimes Books: THE ORPHAN GIRL by Kurt Palka


Set primarily in England near the end of WW II, The Orphan Girl is written by Kurt Palka, bestselling author of The Piano Maker and The Hour of the Fox. The historical novel looks at the some of the issues and constraints women faced with the war winding down.

It’s a story about friendship and promises. Kate Henderson, the peppery principal character is a paramedic and ambulance driver who does her work courageously while dealing with elements of trauma. Years after witnessing the shooting death of her diplomat father, she is still coping with the grief of his unsolved murder. Then one night tragedy strikes her family yet again. Kate is awoken to the sound of the air raid alarm as a Nazi bomb destroys her home. Miraculously, Kate survives, but is injured. A turn of events has Kate living at the home of a kind doctor (Claire Giroux)until Claire’s husband returns from war. Then things begin to change. Within days, events are set in motion, both in England and in Canada which challenge Kate and Claire to their limits.

The Orphan Girl is written by Kurt Palka, bestselling author of The Piano Maker and The Hour of the Fox. McClelland & Stewart, a division of Penguin Random House Canada Limited

The book has an intriguing story line about friendship, finding courage, and about keeping a promise. Personally I found that some key moments were over far too quickly as they are simply reported in dialogue, not shown. The author could have supplied more information on the secondary characters. Based on the ending, part two should be coming soon to a CBC outlet near you. Rating: 7 out of 10

The Orphan Girl: a WW II novel of courage found, and a promise kept, written by Kurt Palka.Copyright 2022 by Kurt Palka. McClelland & Stewart, a division of Penguin Random House Canada Limited.

Now available at bookstores.

by Laurie Wallace-Lynch

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