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What To Expect When You Go To An Eye Clinic


The term ‘eye clinic’ refers to any small clinic or hospital that deals with eye care. Normally, this is called an ophthalmology clinic since it is wholly confined to dealing with eye problems, either vision related or simply eye related.

Eye and vision care is the specialty of an ophthalmologist, optician, optometrist, and a medical doctor. Optometrists and opticians can diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions, whereas ophthalmologists have specialized training.

Checking your eyes is an important part of maintaining good health; therefore it’s important to consult an eye care specialist who can meet your specific needs. Many individuals misinterpret the duties of the numerous eye care professionals and the importance of each one in preserving your eye health. What they can and can’t do for you depend on their degree of training and expertise and what they are permitted to do for you.

Who Needs To Go To An Eye Clinic?

Your eyes should be checked by a doctor every year, especially if you’ve had eye problems in the past or are at risk for having them (if someone in your family has had them). Basically, if you have any issues with your vision or sight, then you definitely need to go to an eye clinic to see an ophthalmologist.

However, doctors recommend that even if you don’t have any issues with your sight, going to an eye clinic can diagnose other major health conditions. Some of these conditions such as diabetes can be easily diagnosed through the eyes since the eyes are a rich indicator of the health of your blood. The thin capillaries can indicate whether there are some other underlying issues in your liver or diabetes.

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, you should receive a comprehensive medical eye exam by the age of 40 if you have never had one before, and thereafter as often as your ophthalmologist suggests. You should get a baseline eye exam even if you’re in perfect condition, so that you can track any changes or issues that may arise in the future. Alternatively, they may say that you don’t require any testing. Find out what they recommend for your situation.

Key Tests That A Proper Eye Clinic Should Conduct To Check On Eye Health

Diagnosing eye and vision problems requires high level of professionalism and expertise. With time however, technology has come in to augment the work of ophthalmologists and through medical imaging technologies, it is possible to diagnose a wider range of eye problems and health problems through the following eye tests.

  1. Glaucoma Test

The glaucoma test is one of the most important tests at the eye clinic. The test involves testing the amount of air pressure in your eyes. Non-contact tonometry or NCT, is a standard glaucoma diagnostic that uses a “puff-of-air” test.

Put your chin down on the chin rest of the machine to begin the NCT. Puffs of air are directed at your open eye while you’re looking at a light in the machine. The tonometer does not touch your eye and is absolutely painless. The gadget measures your intraocular pressure by measuring how much resistance your eye has to a blast of air (IOP). The chance of developing glaucoma increases if you have excessive eye pressure.

  1. Pupil Reaction

In the pupil or external reaction, the doctor simply examines your eyes and checks how the pupils adjust to light. Since the pupil’s reaction is involuntary, it’s movements can show the overall health of your eyes.

  1. Eye Muscle Movement Test

Your ophthalmologist will need to know how your eyes follows and tracks objects, by examining your eyes alignment as he or she moves an objects in front of you. This test might seem trivial but it actually indicates whether your eye muscles are in top shape. It can also be used to diagnose for degenerative muscular disorders.

  1. Cover test

This informs you how well your eyes communicate with one other. You’ll keep your eyes fixed on a small, distant object. Your eyes will be covered and uncovered by the doctor while he measures how much movement there is in them.

In addition, your doctor will keep a look out for a deviated gaze. Take the test again, but this time choose a target that is within striking distance of your current location.

  1. Retinal Examination

To examine the retina, retinal blood vessels, fluid in your eyes, and the head of your optic nerve, your doctor may dilate your pupils and use an instrument called an ophthalmoscope.

There are several other tests such as refraction testing, visual acuity tests, and pachymetry which are equally important but aren’t offered by smaller clinics. In fact, pachymetry is particularly important because during the test, ultrasound is used to gauge your cornea’s thickness. False low-pressure readings can be caused by corneal thickness. High-pressure readings that are really caused by thick corneas might be a problem in some situations. You may only take this exam once to establish a baseline against which subsequent results can be compared. Those who require corneal surgery can utilize it.

In conclusion, eye clinics are your first go-to step to check whether your eyes are operating at optimal levels. Your eye’s health should not be left in the hands of amateurs or quack and therefore you should do a comprehensive background check on the eye clinics near your or the one you are keen on attending. Make sure the clinic is accredited and has the right licenses and certifications to operate in your area.

It might be difficult to work, play, drive, or simply identify a person if you don’t have good eyesight. Other health issues, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, might also have an impact on vision. The risk of developing an eye illness increases if you have a family history of the disease. An eye condition that steals your vision might strike at any time. Changes in eyesight can be subtle at first, making them nearly impossible to detect.

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