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Home / Arts / Where Can I Audition for Acting Roles in Canada?

Where Can I Audition for Acting Roles in Canada?


If you’re looking to audition for acting opportunities in Canada, there are several avenues you can explore to find casting calls and audition opportunities. Here are some places where you can audition for acting in Canada.

Online Casting Websites

Sign up for popular online casting websites such as Allcasting, Casting Workbook, Mandy, and Casting Networks. These platforms often feature a wide range of casting calls for projects happening across Canada. Create a profile, upload your headshots and resume, and set up notifications to receive updates about relevant auditions.

The Best Cities for Starting Acting in Canada

Canada offers several cities that are known for their vibrant and thriving acting scenes. Each city has its unique advantages and opportunities for actors. Here are some of the best cities for starting acting in Canada:

  1. Toronto, Ontario: Toronto is considered the hub of the Canadian film and television industry. It offers a wide range of acting opportunities, including major film productions, TV series, commercials, and theater productions. You could easily find casting calls in Toronto.
  2. Vancouver, British Columbia: Vancouver is another major center for film and television production in Canada. It is known as “Hollywood North” due to the high number of productions that take place there. The city offers diverse landscapes, a mild climate, and a vibrant acting community. Vancouver provides opportunities for both on-screen acting and theater productions.
  3. Montreal, Quebec: Montreal is a bilingual city with a rich cultural heritage. It has a thriving theater scene and a growing film industry. The city hosts several film festivals and has a strong focus on independent and art-house cinema. Montreal offers opportunities for actors in both English and French-language productions.
  4. Calgary, Alberta: Calgary is known for its burgeoning film industry and hosts a range of productions, including film, television, and commercials. The city has a supportive arts community and offers opportunities for actors to showcase their skills in various genres. Calgary is particularly attractive for actors interested in Western-themed productions.
  5. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Halifax has a vibrant and growing film and television industry. It offers a range of acting opportunities, including feature films, TV series, and commercials. The city has a close-knit arts community and provides a supportive environment for actors starting their careers.
  6. Ottawa, Ontario: Ottawa, as the capital city of Canada, has a thriving theater scene and hosts various theater festivals throughout the year. It also serves as a hub for government-funded film and television productions. Ottawa offers opportunities for actors in both official languages, English and French.

These cities provide a mix of opportunities in film, television, commercials, and theater. Consider factors such as industry presence, networking opportunities, cost of living, and personal preferences when deciding which city is the best fit for you to start your acting career in Canada.

Talent Agencies

Submit your materials to reputable talent agencies in Canada. Talent agents can help connect you with auditions and casting opportunities that match your skills and experience. Research and reach out to talent agencies that specialize in your type of acting (film, TV, theater, etc.) and inquire about representation.

Film and TV Production Companies

Keep an eye on the websites and social media accounts of film and television production companies in Canada. Many production companies post casting calls for their projects, ranging from feature films and TV series to commercials and web series. Check their websites for submission guidelines or follow them on social media for audition announcements.

Local Theater Companies

Stay connected with local theatre companies in the area where you reside or plan to audition. Check their websites, social media pages, and newsletters for information about auditions and casting notices. Many theatre companies hold open auditions for their productions and welcome actors of all experience levels.

Acting Schools and Workshops

Attend acting schools, workshops, and classes in Canada. These institutions often have connections to the industry and may offer opportunities to showcase your talent in front of casting directors or industry professionals. Inquire about any upcoming auditions or networking events they may be hosting.

Film Festivals and Industry Events

Participate in film festivals and industry events across Canada. These events often include screenings, panel discussions, and networking opportunities where you can meet industry professionals, including casting directors. Stay informed about casting calls that may arise from these events, and take advantage of the chance to showcase your talent.


Build a strong network of connections within the Canadian acting community. Attend industry mixers, workshops, and events where you can meet casting directors, agents, fellow actors, and other industry professionals. Networking can lead to valuable referrals and insider information about audition opportunities.

Remember to always prepare your materials (headshots, resume, demo reel) in advance and research the specific requirements and instructions for each audition. Stay persistent, be proactive in seeking out opportunities, and keep honing your craft to increase your chances of success in the Canadian acting industry.

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