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5 Manicure Tips from Salons That Will Make Your Acrylic Nails Last Longer


Acrylic nails are a popular beauty choice, but they can be expensive and time-consuming to maintain especially after you leave one of your favourite nail salons. To ensure that your acrylic nails last as long as possible, it is essential to follow the manicure tips offered by salons. You can find nail salons near you on theYou.

In this blog post, we will discuss five professional tips from nail salons that will help make your acrylic nails last longer. From finding the right base coat to properly drying your nails after a manicure, these tips will help you get the most out of your acrylic nails.

The Importance of a Good Base Coat

Having a high-quality base coat when getting an acrylic manicure is the most critical step in making sure your nails last longer. A base coat acts as a protective layer between the acrylic and your natural nails and serves to keep them from becoming damaged or discolored. Applying a high-quality base coat also helps create a smoother finish for the acrylic and can keep it from chipping off too quickly. Additionally, you can use a clear topcoat to help seal in the color and give your nails a glossy finish.

Prevent Lifting

Having long-lasting acrylic nails is the goal of any salon visit. One of the most significant things to remember when trying to avoid lifting is to use the right nail prep products. It is important to use them every time before applying acrylic nails to ensure proper adhesion and prevent lifting. Be sure to choose a product specifically formulated for use on acrylic nails and buff your natural nails before applying any prep products to remove surface oils that can interfere with the adhesive properties of the acrylic.

The Right Way to File Your Nails

Proper filing of your nails is essential for a long-lasting manicure. To start, you should always use a good-quality file. Once you have the right file, it’s important to have a great filing technique. Going back and forth can weaken your nails, causing them to break or split more easily. File each nail at the same angle, as this will help your manicure last longer and keep your nails looking even.

Here are the steps for filing your nails:

  • Start with a good-quality file
  • File in one direction only, not back and forth
  • File at the same angle for all nails
  • Round the edges to your desired shape
  • Smooth out any rough edges with the file
  • Finish off with a buffing block for a shiny look.

The Power of a Top Coat

The top coat helps seal the color and prevents chipping, cracking, and fading. Make sure to apply a generous amount of top coat after every manicure and don’t forget to top up with a thin layer every few days. Keep your nails looking beautiful by using a high-quality top coat that won’t yellow or streak. Additionally, avoid touching your nails before the top coat has completely dried as this could cause smudging and make them look uneven.

Regular Maintenance

One of the top tips from salon professionals is to keep up with regular maintenance. This involves visiting a salon every 2-3 weeks for fill-ins and buffing and filing away any lifting or chipping that occurs during that time. Doing this will not only prevent your nails from peeling off but also give them a fresh and even look.

These simple steps will help ensure that your acrylic nails stay in top condition and look gorgeous for longer.

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