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8 different uses for coffee creamer


Your morning cup of joe is probably your favourite part of the day. But what if you could make that cup of joe a little more interesting? You could try adding a flavoured coffee creamer. But coffee creamers actually have a lot of uses beyond just making your coffee taste better, and here are a few ways you can put it to good use. Read on for some of the many other ways to use coffee creamer.

1. Splash Over Some Fresh Fruit

When a splash of coffee creamer is all, you need to take your fresh fruit from boring to bold, you know you have something special. Add some sweetness with the help of a dash of maple syrup or honey or go savoury with a drizzle of salted butter. Either way, your fruits will taste great and be the envy of all your friends.

2. Add to Pancake Batter

If you’re a fan of coffee creamer and pancakes, you’re definitely in the right place. Pancakes are a great way to use up leftover pancake batter. So, the next time you’re craving a stack of buttermilk pancakes smothered in butter and syrup, try adding a little coffee creamer for some extra flavor.

3. Add to Tea

Yes, you can drink coffee creamer in your tea. Yes, it’ll taste better than adding vanilla or any other flavour to your black tea. No, it won’t make your tea taste like coffee. It’ll simply add a little bit of depth and complexity. And if you’re not a fan of black tea, you can add coffee creamer to your oolong or herbal tea to give it a unique flavor.

4. With Mashed Potatoes

Everyone’s favourite comfort food deserves to be accompanied by a savoury, rich sauce. And if that sauce is coffee creamer, then you’re in for a treat. With its hint of coffee and creamy taste, coffee creamer will help to round out your potatoes in a way that no amount of butter can. So, the next time you have some leftover mashed potatoes, try topping them with a delicious coffee whitener for a change from the usual butter and sour cream.

5. Enrich Your Chocolate Truffles

Chocolate truffles are a treat that most of us share on special occasions. And if you’re feeling a little creative, you can give your truffles a little extra something by adding a little coffee creamer to your mix. Not only will your truffles taste better, but they’ll also look better with a little coffee creamer added to the outside of your chocolate truffle.

6. Smoothies and Shakes

If you’re looking for a way to kick your morning fitness routine up a notch, a smoothie or shake is the way to go. Adding some coffee creamer to your smoothie or shake will make it taste amazing and give you a much-needed energy boost. And if you’re not a big fan of coffee, you can also add cream or milk to your smoothie or shake to make it taste like cappuccino heaven.

7. Cream Frozen Drink

Now that summer is here; there’s no better way to cool off than with a nice cold frozen drink. And if you’re feeling a little lazy, you can always pour yourself a chilled coffee drink by blending coffee creamer with ice. This way, you can enjoy the comforting, rich taste of coffee all year long.

8. Thickening Pudding

You know those times when you’re enjoying a nice bowl of pudding, and it’s a little runny? Well, nothing is more frustrating than having your snack ruined by a mouthful of goo. If you’re trying to fix that problem, you might want to consider adding a little coffee creamer to your pudding. This will add an instant shot of richness and body while also thickening your pudding slightly.


With all of these uses for coffee creamer, it’s easy to see why you might want to start using it more often. If you’re new to the world of coffee creamer, it’s best to start with a flavourless version. Then, as you get used to it, try to gradually add in your favourite flavors. It’s all about finding your personal preferences, so don’t be afraid to explore!

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