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Beauty Guide: The Most Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures


If you are looking to get a lift or enhance your assets, it is easy to find someone who can help you. All you have to do is do some digging and search for an expert you can trust.

But what can these experts do? How can they make you look and feel great? Read on to learn some of the most popular plastic surgery procedures that you may be interested in.

Breast Augmentation

Boob jobs are the most common type of plastic surgery out there. To get a breast augmentation performed in Toronto, all you need to do is go to an outpatient hospital. You will be put under anesthesia so you are not uncomfortable during the procedure.

The doctor will peel back the breast tissue and put an artificial sac inside. Sometimes it will go behind the outer tissue layers. Other times, it will go behind your chest muscles. Make sure you know what you are getting before going under the knife.

The sac will usually be made of silicone, a rubber-textured plastic material. Sometimes you will get a sack of sterile saltwater instead. This is a saline implant.

In the end, your breasts will look bigger and fuller. You will be able to feel more confident when you go out. These procedures work on everyone regardless of their body shape, though they might look a little different if you are thin than if you are bigger or have had kids before.


Breast augmentation procedures usually are not a one-off surgery. Lots of people combine them with other body enhancement surgeries like liposuctions and tummy tucks. After all, why just enhance one part of your body when you can get your dream look just as easily?

Liposuction is one of the least invasive plastic surgeries out there. It is also one of the most important since it gets rid of your body fat. Most people get liposuction in their stomach area, but some women also might get it in their thighs.

Most liposuction procedures are tumescent. You will:

  • Get an injection containing a pain-relieving anesthetic
  • Be injected with some epinephrine that makes blood vessels constrict
  • Get tiny cuts in your skin where you want the at removed
  • Have a little vacuum put under your skin
  • Get the fat sucked out through the vacuum
  • Be hooked up to an IV to get the fluids running in your body again

There are other kinds of liposuctions, too, but this is by far the most basic. It is pretty low on pain and the recovery times are not that long.

Tummy Tuck

Tummy tucks are also called abdominoplasty. You probably can see the word ‘ab’ in there, and that is because this is the ab-enhancement surgery. Doctors use this procedure to make your abs flat and healthy-looking.

You will get a little incision in your stomach and the doctor will take any excess fat out of your abdomen. They will also get rid of any excess skin that you do not need. This makes you thinner and gives you a flatter lower stomach.

The doctor will also usually tighten your ab’s connective tissues, too. At that point, they will reposition the skin that is still there. The goal is to make your abs look toned and perfect.

A lot of people get tummy tucks around the same time as liposuctions. They usually impact similar areas of the body. Getting your dream abs usually round out your dream torso, so talk to the doctor about this when getting a boob job or liposuction, too.

Cosmetic surgery


A facelift can give you your dream look even without wearing makeup. Like most plastic surgeries, you will get little incisions where you want the enhancement done. In the case of a facelift, this will be around your face’s outline. You will:

  1. Be put under surgical or local anesthesia
  2. Have your skin lifted and repositioned
  3. Get the muscles under your face tightened
  4. Tighten the connective tissues around those muscles
  5. Optionally get a shot at removing unnecessary fat and skin

Facelifts are super popular because they get rid of sagging. Aging is rough, and facelifts can make you look years (or even decades) younger. It is going to take a few months for you to get the full effects, but at that point, you will feel as good as new.

Nose Jobs

Nose jobs are medically called rhinoplasty. Unlike most plastic surgeries, this procedure does not just deal with your skin, fat, and muscles. When you get a nose job, you are altering the underlying bone structure of your face.

This makes it a big commitment. You are probably going to need to wear a splint for a while and will need some time off work. But the effects are powerful: you will come out looking super different, and the change is completely permanent.

The plastic surgeon cuts into your nose to rearrange the bone and cartilage inside. You will have already talked to the doctor about how you want your nose to look before going under anesthesia. They will know exactly what to do to give you your dream look because you will have been in charge of what happens with your face.

Eyelid Surgery

Modern tech has really been changing the way we do plastic surgery. Because of it, people like you also are getting more and more procedures done. It is safer than ever, easier than ever, and experts are always coming up with new ways to make it more comfortable.

Eyelid surgery is no exception. During this procedure, you are going to get excess skin taken out of your eyelids.

This is really common with older adults because of the way aging impacts eyelids. You will start to notice that your upper eyelids droop. Puffy bags around your eyes are normal, especially if you do not get a lot of sleep.

Your eyelids won’t look so stretched out anymore. You also will probably get a brow lift done along with your eyelid surgery. That will make your eyes pop better so that their newly-found perfection stands out.

Beyond Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures

Now that you know about some of the most popular plastic surgery procedures out there, it is time to get cracking. Achieve your dream look and feel more confident about yourself!

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