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Britain will be first to roll out COVID-19 vaccines next week


The light at the end of the tunnel seems to be here. The United Kingdom will be the first country in the world to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. Government officials have authorized a COVID-19 vaccine for use to treat emergency cases and the elderly.

The vaccine has been approved by The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care in the United Kingdom which is responsible for ensuring that medicines and medical devices work and are acceptably safe.

The vaccine has been produced by the American drugmaker Pfizer and Germany’s BioNTech.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announces that the United Kingdom will be rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine across the country next week. “We are no longer resting on the mere hope that things we will be returned to normal,” said Boris Johnson.

“It’s fantastic said British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. “The vaccine will be made available across the U.K. within the coming week. It will allow us to reclaim our lives and get the economy moving again.”

“We are no longer resting on the mere hope that things we will be returned to normal,” said Boris Johnson.

The U.K. will receive over 800,000 doses within the coming days. The British government will release the protocol in the coming days on how the vaccine will be released to the public.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says it will take some months before all the vulnerable are vaccinated.

Canada has a rolling approval system in place and when exactly the first doses roll out will be determined by Health Canada. Sources suggest it will not be until the new year.

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