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Can CBD Vape Kit Help To Treat Type-2 Diabetics?


CBD (cannabidiol) is a natural plant extract coming from Cannabis Sativa. There exists many cannabinoids extracted from this plant. Still, only a few, like CBD, find a place in various medical treatments, while other extract are often associated with euphoric properties and can lead to dependency. CBD is considered safe among other options as there is no risk of dependence attached to it hence preventing misuse of the drugs for other recreational purposes. It offers immense flexibility, which enables its user to consume it in various forms, yet one of the easiest consumption methods is through the CBD vape kit. CBD has come under the limelight recently due to its natural analgesic properties. New research suggests that it is helping in treating cancer, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic medical conditions.

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes Mellitus is a disorder characterized by excess blood glucose levels resulting in a condition known as hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia occurs when insufficient insulin hormone is present in the body or when insulin cannot act on the cells’ receptors. The former is type 1 diabetes, and the latter is type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is more common in older people, and also developing in adults.

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in the world. The primary hormone responsible for regulating blood glucose levels is insulin. When insulin or its function in the body is affected, it leads to various other comorbidities affecting the operation of vital organs such as the heart and kidney. Hence, controlling this condition is important and recent studies show that CBD can be extremely useful in the treatment.

How Is A CBD Vape Kit Used For Treating Type 2 Diabetes?

People are now widely using CBD vape kitsto treat diabetes, particularly type 2, as it is known to enhance the sensitivity of insulin in various cells. CBD oil is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce pain. Reduced inflammation allows for a better blood supply to different organs and tissues and keeps them proper.

  • Inflammation

Hyperglycemia causes increased inflammation of tissues. It has well-known anti-inflammatory products known to prevent the onset of diabetes. Since it controls inflammation, it reduces the pain usually associated with it. CBD is known to express its anti-inflammatory properties along the walls of the arteries, which enables better blood circulation. Having proper blood flow significantly reduces the risk for cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, it plays an indirect role in maintaining cardiovascular health by lowering blood glucose levels.

  • Helps Relieve Neuropathy

In the long run, uncontrolled hyperglycemia results in nerve damage and affects their ability to conduct impulses, leading to diabetic neuropathy. High blood sugar compromises the blood supply to these nerves. Recent studies show that CBD oil is helping in treating the pain associated with neuropathy. Many people usually use a potent pain killer to fight the numbness and pain associated with neuropathy. CBD oil inhalation can be a better alternative as these painkillers have various side effects. People using this oil to fight peripheral neuropathy reported better sleep experiences.

  • Controls Blood Sugar Levels

CBD oil is widely known for its effect on the endocannabinoid system, through which it helps in relieving pain. The CB1 receptor helps increase adipocyte insulin sensitivity, which helps regulate blood glucose levels as insulin inhibits fatty acid breakdown. Another mechanism through CBD oil that controls blood sugar levels is by inhibiting the production of cortisol. There is an excessive release of cortisol in the body when people are under stressful circumstances. Diabetic patients are sensitive to stress and anxiety as it triggers blood sugar levels. By preventing the production of cortisol, it inhibits its hyperglycemic effects.

  • Lowers Cholesterol

Diabetes causes suppression in HDL levels (high-density lipoprotein) and increases LDL (low-density lipoprotein). The former favors ideal metabolism and is considered bad cholesterol; hence, regulating HDL and LDL levels. CBD oil plays a role in regulating the cholesterol level by its action on the endocannabinoid system.

  • Helps In The Treatment Of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a condition where the eye experiences increased intraocular pressure. This increased pressure can cause severe damage to the optic nerve and retina, leading to impaired vision. It helps in reducing intraocular stress, thereby facilitating proper blood flow to the eye. Adequate blood supply prevents the occurrence of diabetic retinopathy.

  • Obesity

Diabetic patients are often at risk of obesity as the body’s metabolic functions are impaired, and this causes fat accumulation in the body and its reduced mobilization. CBD oil is known to prevent obesity by boosting one’s metabolism. Increased insulin production and improving its action on various receptors help regulate the metabolism.

  • Decreases Resistance Towards Insulin

Studies claim that CBD has a significant effect of reducing serum resistin levels. Resistin is produced by adipocytes, immune cells, which causes increased inflammation of cells. It is also the compound that plays a significant role in insulin resistance. Reduced insulin resistance enhances better uptake of blood glucose by cells, which helps control blood sugar levels. Insulin also plays a role in controlling lipolysis and protein degradation. When insulin activity is enhanced, it prevents the degradation of these metabolites.


Using a vape kit is one of the easiest ways to consume CBD. There are various vape kits available in the market by trusted vendors. Ensure that you use the correct type of CBD oil to treat diabetes. For more information, one can visit cbd oil news. CBD oil is one of the safest kinds of cannabinoids. However, each person responds differently to seemingly harmless substances. Hence, it is ideal to consult a clinician or your family doctor to discuss the use of CBD. Including it in your diet or routine can affect the action of other drugs you might be already using. Hence one must have adequate knowledge of its potential side-effects before incorporating it in their treatment. CBD vape kit is handy if one is looking for a natural alternative to treat diabetes without bearing the consequences of using hard drugs and powerful painkillers.

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