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Home / Events / Community Events / FREE Movie night Tuesday’s are back at Harbourfront Centre – Here’s the lineup for this summer

FREE Movie night Tuesday’s are back at Harbourfront Centre – Here’s the lineup for this summer


As Harbourfront Centre celebrates their 50th anniversary, one of the city’s favourite summer traditions is back! That’s right Free Flicks Tuesday’s is back for the summer and it all gets started on June 25, 2024!

What’s better than an outdoor movie and popcorn on a summer night? Free Flicks is back! Harbourfront Centre is hosting ten free outdoor film screenings all summer by the lake, from popular films to favourite old-school classics.

Harbourfront Centre Free Flicks Tuesdays lineup

Click HERE for More About Mean Girls Free Flicks at Harbourfront Centre

Click HERE for Slumdog Millionaire – Free Flicks at Harbourfront Centre

Click HERE for More About Grease Free Flicks at Harbourfront Centre

Click HERE for Le Mozart Noir/Black Mozart at Free Flicks at Harbourfront Centre

Click HERE for more about Clueless at Free Flicks at Harbourfront Centre

Click HERE for more about The Mighty Quinn Free Flicks at Harbourfront Centre

Click HERE for more about The Last Dragon at Free Flicks at Harbourfront Centre

Click HERE for more about Forrest Gump at Free Flicks at Harbourfront Centre

Click HERE for more about Double Happiness at Free Flicks at Harbourfront Centre

Click HERE for more about Barbie at Free Flicks at Harbourfront Centre

The presentation of Free Flicks is made in memory of Narmada Thacker.

Harbourfront Centre’s 50th anniversary events are financially assisted by the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund of the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, administered by the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund Corporation.

Posted by Terry Lankstead SOURCE: Harbourfront Centre

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