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Healthy Sleep: 8 Rules on the Way to Well-Being


A natural way to relax the body is sleep. However, most people make mistakes here. If you want to improve your life, you need to avoid them. Here are the key rules on the road to wellness.

Get up at the Same Time

Getting up at the same time will help your body adjust its circadian rhythms to the right time for sleep and make the most of that time for recovery. You’ll get rid of sleepiness in the morning, and you’ll be able to plan your activities. It doesn’t matter if it’s a workday or a weekend.

Turn off Electronics Before Going to Sleep

In 1-2 hours, turn off your TV, computer, laptop, tablet, or phone. If this is difficult to do, adjust the screens of devices from transmitting blue to a softer yellow. Of course, you need to take a rest in the evening. However, since it’s better to avoid gadgets, you shouldn’t play with bonuses with tonybet.com/ca/promotions/first-deposit-sport or watch blockbusters before going to bed.

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Get More Exercise During the Day

Day activities help you fall asleep. The more time you spend on your feet, the sounder your sleep will be. Get up more often and walk more. You can do a short workout at the gym. Forty to sixty minutes or 20 to 30 sets is enough. Don’t exercise less than two hours before bedtime. On weekends, take more walks outdoors.

In the Afternoon, Don’t Abuse Drinks Containing Caffeine

The effects of caffeine can last up to 12 hours. If you drink such drinks, it should be in the morning, not in the evening. Otherwise, the heart rhythm is disturbed, blood pressure rises, and people who like coffee are rewarded with anxious sleep. It’s better to drink a tea of soothing herbs before going to bed. It will be much healthier. The easiest is a tea brewed with mint.

Ventilate Your Bedroom Before Going to Bed

Healthy sleep ensures fresh air in the bedroom. When we sleep, the brain continues to work, processing information from the day, as well as restoring the body’s cells to function. It needs a lot of oxygen for this great work. Increased carbon dioxide in the room reduces brain activity and makes it difficult to breathe. This negatively affects the quality of sleep. So don’t be lazy and always ventilate your bedroom before going to bed.

Eliminate Light Sources

The bedroom should be so dark that you can’t see anything (even when your vision adapts to darkness). What’s worth doing? Hang thick curtains in the bedroom and turn off any electronics that have LEDs (TV, routers, music centres, etc.). Otherwise, use a sleep mask.

Choose a Comfortable Mattress

Healthy sleep is possible on a comfortable mattress. The bed shouldn’t be too soft or too hard. The size of the mattress should correspond to the bed size. Otherwise, it will move or bunch, and it will be uncomfortable to sleep. Comfortable mattresses relieve the load from the spine, helping the body to take the right position for a good rest.

Release the Tension

Find some kind of ritual before bed that will relax you. For example, take a warm bath with oils, put on relaxing music, and meditate. Distract yourself from bad thoughts and focus on your breathing. Imagine the unresolved issues and negative emotions you’ve been holding in your mind all day fading with each exhale. Focus on your breath. Feel as relaxed as possible. Feel the drowsiness gradually overtaking you. Try to maintain this state for 10 minutes before going to bed.

After all, gradually add these rules into your life. Don’t do everything right away, or you’ll lose motivation. After 1 to 3 months, you will feel a rush of vivacity and vitality. Remember that sleep is the key to a good mood. It is necessary to develop healthy habits that will allow you to rest and get energized to achieve new goals!

Photo by Bruce Mars on Unsplash

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