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Home / Events / Here are Toronto’s Weekend events, road closures and TTC and Metrolinx service interruptions – July 16 to 17

Here are Toronto’s Weekend events, road closures and TTC and Metrolinx service interruptions – July 16 to 17


A number of road closures and restrictions will be in effect across Toronto this weekend in support of events, festivals and critical infrastructure work.

Toronto Weekend Event road closures

Honda Indy Toronto will return to Exhibition Place this week. To accommodate the festival, Lake Shore Boulevard West between Strachan Avenue and British Columbia Road will be closed to vehicle traffic from 9 p.m. today until 1 a.m. on Monday, July 18. The southbound lanes on Strachan Avenue between Fleet Street and Lake Shore Boulevard West are also currently closed to vehicle traffic until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, July 17.

Edward Street between Bay Street and Yonge Street will be closed to vehicle traffic from 6 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, July 16 to accommodate the annual Festival of India parade. There will also be rolling closures on southbound Yonge Street from Edward Street to Queens Quay West on July 16 between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Northbound lanes on Yonge Street will remain open to vehicle traffic throughout the parade.

Bloor Street West between Dufferin Street and Lansdowne Avenue will be closed to vehicle traffic from 8 a.m. on July 16 until 3 a.m. on July 18 for the Big on Bloor Festival.

Bloor Street West between Jane Street and Runnymede Road will be closed to vehicle traffic from 5 a.m. until 11:59 p.m. on July 16 for the Bloor West Street Fest.

McLevin Avenue, between Sewells Road and Neilson Road, and Neilson Road, from McLevin Avenue to Finch Avenue East, will be closed to vehicle traffic from 10 a.m to 6 p.m. on July 16 for the Junior Carnival Parade.

Market Street is closed from Front Street East to The Esplanade for I Heart Market Street activities.

ActiveTO locations and closures

Bayview Avenue, from Rosedale Valley Road to Lawren Harris Square, and River Street, between Bayview Avenue and Spruce Street, will be closed to vehicle traffic for ActiveTO from 7 a.m. on July 16 until 7 p.m. on July 17.

Roads within High Park will be also closed to vehicle traffic during the weekend. Limited street parking is available on Bloor Street. More information about access to High Park is available on the City’s High Park webpage.

Toronto’s more than 1,500 parks and 11,000 hectares of ravine spaces are also open for fresh air and exercise every day, including The Meadoway from Brimley Road to Scarborough Golf Club Road. Maps and details for walking, cycling and hiking paths and trails in Toronto are available on the City’s Walking, Hiking and Cycling webpage.

Construction closures
There will be delays at the intersection of Yonge Street and Lake Shore Boulevard this weekend. Lake Shore Boulevard West from Yonge Street to Bay Street is reduced to one westbound lane until July 17 for construction work by Enbridge, and Yonge Street between The Esplanade and Lake Shore Boulevard is reduced to one lane in each direction to facilitate a pedestrian bridge construction work.

Wellington Street from Yonge Street to Church Street is reduced to one westbound lane for TTC track replacement and sidewalk improvements.

Travel lanes on The Queensway between Parkside Drive and Roncesvalles Avenue are reduced to a minimum of one shared travel lane in each direction for King-Queen-Queensway-Roncesvalles TTC track replacement and road reconstruction work. King Street West is also closed at this intersection.

The Overlea Boulevard Bridge over the Don River is reduced to one lane in each direction for bridge rehabilitation.

TTC closures

There are no subway closures scheduled on the TTC this weekend; however, several events around the city will result in adjustments to TTC bus and streetcar service. The TTC encourages customers to follow @TTCNotices on Twitter, sign-up for e-alerts and check ttc.ca for the most up-to-date information.

Metrolinx closures

For most of the day on July 16 and July 17, GO Bus Routes 16, 21 and 31 will be rerouted due to road closures for the Honda Indy Toronto festival:

  • Metrolinx staff will closely monitor traffic conditions along these routes and will begin diversions only when required. As a result, these diversions will not be reflected in online schedules or trip planning tools.
  • Eastbound GO Bus Route 16 trips will end at Aldershot GO to connect customers to Lake Shore West trains. Westbound trips will begin at Aldershot GO.
  • Eastbound GO Bus Route 21 and 31 trips will end at Port Credit GO to connect customers to Lake Shore West trains. Westbound trips will begin at Port Credit GO.

Residents are encouraged to visit Metrolinx’s Service Alerts page (https://onthegoalerts.gotransit.com/en) before traveling this weekend for the most up-to-date information.

Those who need to drive in the general vicinity of road closures should stay alert, consider alternate routes and allow extra time to get to and from their destinations. A complete list of road closures and restrictions is available on the City’s Road Restrictions webpage.

SOURCE City of Toronto

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