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How to Stay Productive While Working from Home


Many companies and many employees have opted for creating remote work engagements as a result of the global pandemic. However, while working from home has its advantages, it can be challenging to stay productive while juggling the demands of your daily job and home concerns. This article will try to offer some basic tips on how to stay productive while working from home.

Designate Your Own Workspace

Studies show that having a specific workspace is important for one’s focus. When you have a designated spot in your home where you “go to work” it can result in fewer distractions and deeper focus. Having an actual office in your home is ideal, but not everyone has that option. Still, you should make the best use of the space you have. Ideally, your workspace should have a door, so you can isolate yourself from distractions and it should be stocked with all the supplies and equipment you might require. Having to get up repeatedly to retrieve something you need will only break your focus and cut down on your productivity.

Places that work nicely, for example, are the kitchen counter, the dining room table, or even a hallway desk. Whatever you chose, make sure you avoid working in the bedroom. Our minds naturally associate this room with sleep, so working from this room rarely works out.

Photo by Grovemade on Unsplash

Customize Your Workspace

Similar to the previous tip, this one also concerns your working environment. One of the advantages of remote working is that you can personalize your workspace in ways you may not be able to in your corporate office. Not only is it extremely fun, but it is also a great mental exercise that will help you relax. Whatever floats your boat – a candle, a plant, posters, pictures – decorate it with anything that will help you feel comfortable, focused, and motivated throughout the day. These things, especially scents and plants, can positively affect your mental and emotional well-being.

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Keep Regular Hours

This might be challenging for many. It is extremely tempting to sleep in knowing you do not have to waste time getting ready and commuting to the office. But, if you have a problem staying productive, sometimes getting up early and diving right in is the way to go. Try not to let transitioning from an office to your home stop you from keeping a strict schedule. Are you someone who used to exercise before work? Or someone who has a set time for lunch? Even though you are now working from home, try to maintain your usual activities, because the more familiar and consistent your schedule is, the more productive you will be.

Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

Maintain a Morning Routine

Just like keeping regular hours, creating a morning routine can boost your workday productivity. Starting your morning with a routine that you repeat each day can have a positive effect on both your work life and your mindset. Many successful people attribute their personal and financial success to their strict morning habits. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to start.

Speaking of mornings, the way you dress can also have a major impact on your mental state. One of the advantages of remote working is not having the need to get all suited up every day. While casual days are great, avoid working in your pajamas exclusively. You will not believe the impact a simple task of getting dressed can have on the quality of your work.

Take Breaks

We can only focus for so long. Being productive does not mean working without taking any breaks. If you really want to work on your productivity, consider taking regular breaks and giving your mind time to recharge. After an hour or so, take at least a few minutes to stand, stretch or refill your water. Make sure that at least a few times a day you take even longer breaks to interact with others, too. Isolating for too long can be harmful to our emotional and mental state, so make sure you spend some time playing with your kids, walking your dog, or talking to your parents. Anything that will take your mind off work for a bit.

You should also try spending some time outside. Sun and fresh air will positively affect your mood, helping you be more productive once you sit down at your desk. By regularly exercising, even just walking, you increase your mental clarity and overall productivity. If going outside is not an option, having your lunch or simply daydreaming in front of a window can have similar benefits.

Listen to Music

Many office environments do not allow music in your workspace and this is another opportunity to create your best working environment. You won’t believe how many daily tasks you can tackle while jamming to your favorite tunes. These tunes can help make working from home during quarantine more enjoyable and productive, but avoid music that will distract you from your work.

If the nature of your job requires more concentration, putting on some classical and instrumental music works just the same, if not better. Many studies have shown that these types of music can help increase productivity while keeping the mind sharp.

Eliminate Digital Distractions

Many people think playing on their phones is fair game while they are at home. Whether it is checking social media, playing video games, or visiting an online gaming website, you should try to avoid these distractions as much as you can. One peek at your notifications and before you know it, you have lost an hour of work time.

To keep these distractions to a minimum, try to remove them entirely. Disable alerts and notifications while you work, or even better, put your phone in the other room while you are working. Save gaming and social media for the evening, once you have finished with all your work obligations.


As we have mentioned, working from home certainly comes with advantages and challenges as well. Many people had to transition to working from home whether they wanted to or not. Keeping your focus and productivity is not a simple feat, but establishing a schedule, maintaining your routines, and eliminating distractions can help ease the burden.

lead Photo by Surface on Unsplash

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