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How to Winter-Proof Your House in Toronto


With cold weather quickly approaching, many Torontonians are preparing to winter-proof their houses. This is an important process that should not be put off. Otherwise, you might get caught off-guard by freezing temperatures. Below are a few different methods that you can try for winter-proofing your house.

Clean the Eavestroughs

The falling leaves that occur during the autumn months can be beautiful, but they tend to remain in the eavestroughs. If eavestroughs are not cleared out before the first snowfall, ice damming could occur. This is when ice builds up at the edge of a roof so that the melting snow cannot drain properly. The water will sit on the edge of the roof, eventually causing damage to the interior of the home.  

Get a Programmable Thermostat

Once the winter hits, most of your bills are going to increase. You can try to avoid this by getting a programmable thermostat. You will be able to control the temperature on your phone or other devices. This is helpful if you are at work or tucked into bed, and you remember that you wanted to turn the heat down. All you have to do is press the button, and your energy usage is decreased.

Replace Your Windows

If any of your windows are old and/or leaky, it might be a good time to replace them. Having energy-efficient windows in your home will reduce your heat bill and make your home warmer. A good option would be to replace the old ones with triple-pane tilt and turn windows. Having triple-pane glass is a good idea because this type of design provides an extra layer of insulation. Tilt and turn windows are secure, as they are designed with air chambers inside the frames to keep the cold air out and warm air in.   

Disconnect the Hose

If you were working in the garden throughout the summer and left the hose attached to the house, it is time to empty it and put it away. Leaving the hose outside with water still inside is a bad idea. The water will freeze and expand, which will push back through the valve and cause the water line to freeze as well.  

Rearrange Furniture

You can change the layout of your home in order to improve the heat efficiency. You can do this by shifting some of your furniture to ensure it is not covering the vents. This will improve the airflow and let the warm air circulate throughout the house. Another thing that you can do is open the curtains on the windows that are facing the sunlight. During sunny days, you will be able to utilize the sunlight to help warm your house. Make sure to remember to close the curtains after the sun has set. Finally, you could increase the warmth of a room by simply adding rugs. Rugs will keep your feet warm, and you will not have the run the thermostat as high in order to heat the room.  

Fireplace Maintenance

Fireplaces are cozy and warm, especially in the cold winter months. If you use your fireplace, make sure to get it inspected and cleaned at least once a year. You will want to ensure that everything is working correctly, and there are no fire hazards or carbon monoxide leaks.

Seal Cracks

Old windows are not the only cause of drafts. They could come in from cracks in the walls or foundation as well. Take some time to walk around your house, both inside and out, and check for cracks. If you see any, fill them in with foam and caulking. If there is a gap near a door, try using weather stripping or silicone caulking to fill it in.  

Service the Furnace

During the wintertime, the furnace should be working at optimal capacity. You are going to be relying on the furnace to keep you and your family warm, so you should get it serviced well in advance. Having a technician in to make tweaks and repairs will save you money in the long run, as the furnace will not be overworked during the winter. Another thing to do is change your furnace filter, particularly if it hasn’t been done in a while. Having a clean filter will allow for better airflow, and the furnace will not need to work as hard to heat the house. Filters should be changed a minimum of every three months.

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