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Home / Toronto / News / Premier Doug Ford and Mayor John Tory issue statements on the passing of The Honourable David C. Onley, former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

Premier Doug Ford and Mayor John Tory issue statements on the passing of The Honourable David C. Onley, former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario


Toronto Mayor John Tory said, “We are all thankful for his legacy of championing disability issues and fighting for accessibility for everyone.”

TORONTO, January 15, 2023 — Today, Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement to commemorate the passing of The Honourable David C. Onley, former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario (2007-2014), Canadian author and broadcaster. Onley, who was the first person with a physical disability to hold the post of Lieutenant Governor of Ontario died at the age of 72, the lieutenant-governor’s office said Saturday evening.

“I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Ontario’s 28th Lieutenant Governor, The Honourable David Onley.

Mr. Onley served the province with honour and distinction from 2007 until 2014. As Lieutenant Governor, and throughout his life, he worked tirelessly to raise public awareness about accessibility issues, encouraging people “to see the ability, rather than the disability”. He was also a great champion of expanding reconciliation efforts with Ontario’s Indigenous peoples in his role as representative of the Crown, work that continues to this day.

His contributions to the province and his unwavering commitment to public service will long be remembered and celebrated.

On behalf of all Ontarians, I am sending our thoughts and prayers to his wife Ruth Ann and the entire Onley family during this difficult time.”

Prior to his appointment as Lieutenant Governor, Onley was a highly respected broadcast journalist. He worked primarily fro CutyTV, CP 24 and hosted a weekly tech series called Home Page. A published author, he was founding president of the Aerospace Heritage Foundation of Canada.

The Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario meets with Her Majesty The Queen at Buckingham Palace, 2008. photo wikicommons by LgOntario

Onley was a graduate of the University of Toronto Scarborough, where he proudly returned as a lecturer following his tenure as lieutenant-governor of Ontario.

On the passing of The Honourable David Onley Toronto Mayor John Tory said, “We are all thankful for his legacy of championing disability issues and fighting for accessibility for everyone.”

“He was a gracious and committed Lieutenant Governor and even after his period in office he continued to contribute to the community in many different ways,”said Mayor Tory.

“Starting with his time as a respected broadcaster he remained down to earth and as such maintained the respect and affection of people everywhere. He will be missed,” stated Tory.

Onley is survived by his wife Ruth Ann and three sons.

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