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Prevent truck accidents and save yourself from life-altering circumstances


Do you think there are things like accident prevention tips for truck drivers who drive 80,000 lb trucks on the highways every day? Definitely, there is! It just takes a little bit of mindfulness and common sense to stay away from unnecessary accidents. 

As long as truck accidents are concerned, most of them are preventable. If you ask the insurance companies, they will term unnecessary accidents as preventable ones. As a truck driver who is new into the business, you will soon realise that when you manage to get through your initial training and the trucking company gives you attract to drive for the first time, you will face a set of new challenges on road. How are you going to reduce the number of truck accidents?  We had asked a truck accident lawyer and here is what he had to say.

Drive slowly

Regardless of whether you are an experienced driver or a new one, the first rule that you have to keep in mind is to drive slowly. Whatever you are doing on road, make sure you do it methodically and slowly. Whether your pulling the rig out of the drop yard or you are coming and going from a truck stop or looking for a new customer, you should take it slowly. You can’t forget the fact that speed is the biggest contributing factor in most road accidents.

Give enough space to a truck

It is needless to mention that due to the huge size of trucks they need more space to turn and come to a total stop. So, whenever there is a hazard and attract needs to come to halt immediately, it will need a lot of space. This is why it is advised that other drivers should maintain a safe distance from trucks to avoid sudden accident that may cause due to tier blow outs. Try to leave at least a distance of 4 seconds between you and the truck.

Never stay within the blind spots

Due to the size of the trucks, their blind spots are also larger than an average Passenger car. If you are driving car or riding a bike, stay out of 20 feet in front of the truck, 30 feet behind the truck, and two lanes wide on the right side of the truck. Remember that if you are not able to see the truck driver, the driver is also probably not able to see you through his rear view mirror.

Don’t practice distracted driving

If you do a short research on the reasons behind the increasing number of road accidents, you will find distracted driving to be at the top of the list. No matter you are a truck driver or Passenger car driver, you should never get yourself distracted by using your mobile phone, changing radio stations, or even joining a conversation with your co passengers. These distractions are the leading cause of accidents.

Despite following the road safety tips mentioned above, if you still become a victim of from accident, it is better to work with a truck accident lawyer who can protect your legal rights and ensure a deserved compensation.

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