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Home / Discover / Life / Skipped your court trial date? Know how to deal with the situation!

Skipped your court trial date? Know how to deal with the situation!


If you get accused of a crime, even something as small as a traffic ticket, you will get a warrant to appear before the court. It is a legal document that commands your presence before the court at a specified date and time. If you do not show up before the court on the scheduled date, the judges will issue an arrest warrant, and you have to bear the consequences.

  • The judicial game

Even if you get convicted for a minor offence like a traffic ticket or other such crimes, your appearance before the court on the specified date is significant. However, if you cannot appear before the court for some reason, the consequences will not be in your favor. It would help if you had the assistance of lawyers who know how to deal with a situation and get you evicted from the charge. You must also understand that the trial procedure is equally vital for severe criminal offences like drug crimes, assault, and other such illegal activities. Remember that law enforcement takes distinct forms in distinct countries.

  • The jury will refuse the bail bond you posted

One of the most considerable consequences of failure to appear before the court on trial is forfeiting the bail bond. Remember that getting bail is not an easy task. You may get arrested later on. It may require you to post for the bail bond again. You may also be charged with criminal charges if you do not appear before the court.

  • Additional charges

Coming to the second consequence of the case is additional criminal charges. Along with the judges issuing an arrest warrant for you, you may also face charges of separate criminal cases that will be difficult to handle.

  • What exactly can you do when you miss the court date?

Now comes the solution part. If you do not wish to face dire consequences, there are a few steps that you have to take. Primarily reach out to your lawyer because they know how to deal with a situation. Remember that failure to appear before the court may be intentional or by mistake. In both cases, your lawyer may reach out to the judges and explain the error, and the judges might withdraw your warrant. It’s a necessity to have a high-quality judicial representative or Calgary Criminal justice attorney by your side. The sooner your attorney contacts the jury members, the better consequences you will have. Along with this, they have to apply for rescheduling the court date. Although it takes time, it is one of the most important steps you cannot overlook.

It would assist if you had a lawyer by your side, whether for criminal charges or minor civil cases. While missing a court date may have severe consequences, you can demonstrate your mistake with the right lawyer by your side. Remember that scheduling court dates or dealing with the trial is not easy. You require a lawyer who can guide you through. They help you handle the situation with grace. You can still have a chance with a good lawyer by your side. 

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