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The Surprising Benefits of Weighted Blankets for Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)


Do you suffer from restless legs syndrome? This has become quite a common disorder and one that can definitely affect your quality of life. In particular, it’s something that stops you from relaxing and enjoying good sleep. So, you wake up in the morning tired and irritable.

Know that there are things you can do to improve restless leg syndrome. For example, one solution that people are finding successful is using weighted blankets. Here is a closer look at what this is all about.

Understanding Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

Before we dive into how weighted blankets can help, let’s get a grip on what RLS is all about. Restless Legs Syndrome, or RLS, is a neurological condition that can turn a peaceful night’s sleep into a restless ordeal. It’s characterised by uncomfortable sensations in the legs, often described as tingling, itching, or a crawling feeling. These sensations are usually accompanied by an irresistible urge to move the legs to find relief.

While RLS is more common in older adults, it can affect people of all ages. And here’s the kicker—it can wreak havoc on your sleep, leaving you feeling exhausted and irritable during the day.

There are a number of reasons why you might suffer from this condition. You might have a genetic predisposition, meaning that it runs in the family. Alternatively, it can be to do with dopamine dysregulation or iron deficiency. There are also numerous other reasons and a healthcare professional can help you discover why.

Conventional Treatments for RLS

Before we get to the star of the show (weighted blankets), let’s take a quick look at how RLS is traditionally treated. Medications and lifestyle changes are commonly prescribed to manage RLS symptoms. While these treatments can be effective, they come with their own set of challenges. Some medications may have side effects, and lifestyle changes can be difficult to implement consistently.

Sleep quality

The Role of Weighted Blankets in RLS Management

Enter the weighted blanket—a cozy, soothing solution you might not have considered for RLS relief. At first glance, it might seem like just another comfy blanket. But there’s more to it than meets the eye.

Weighted blankets work through a concept known as deep pressure stimulation (DPS). It’s like a gentle, full-body hug that can do wonders for your RLS symptoms. The evenly distributed weight across the blanket exerts a calming pressure on your legs, which can help soothe those uncomfortable sensations. Head to https://hush.ca/ to check out the weighted blankets from Hush, the number one brand for this product in Canada. There are several options you can explore, whether you’re an adult or a child with RLS.

Benefits of Weighted Blankets for RLS

So, what can you expect when you snuggle up under a weighted blanket if you have RLS?

Improved Sleep Quality: Perhaps the most significant benefit is improved sleep quality. Weighted blankets can help you fall asleep faster and experience fewer disturbances throughout the night. No more restless tossing and turning.

Reduction of Leg Discomfort: The gentle, consistent pressure from the weighted blanket can alleviate the discomfort associated with RLS. It’s like a magic touch that eases those strange sensations in your legs.

Enhanced Relaxation: Weighted blankets have a calming effect on the nervous system. This relaxation response can help reduce stress, making it easier to drift into dreamland.

Drug-Free Solution: There are many people who don’t want to take medication for RLS. This can be due to the side effects or simply because they don’t want to be on medication for the foreseeable future. Thankfully, weighted blankets can be a solution that helps you without having to take any drugs.

Choosing the Right Weighted Blanket for RLS

Now that you’re intrigued, you might wonder how to choose the right weighted blanket. Indeed, they can all be different, and you want to select the design very carefully. Here are some tips for finding the best one.

Find the Right Weight: Aim for a blanket that’s around 10% of your body weight. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, a 15-pound blanket should do the trick.

Consider Size and Materials: Think about the size of the blanket and the materials used. Cotton? Flannel? Make sure it’s comfortable and breathable, as well as soft against your skin.

Where to Buy: You can find weighted blankets in stores or online. The best thing to do is research the brand and read reviews about the product. This can help you identify the best ones.

Tips for Using Weighted Blankets for RLS Effectively

Once you’ve got your weighted blanket, you’re ready to embrace better sleep with open arms. Here are some tips to make the most of it:

When to Use: You can use your weighted blanket during sleep in bed, or even when you’re relaxing on the couch. Indeed, you can decide when you want to use it. This can be specifically when RLS is bothering you.

Overheating Concerns: If you tend to get hot at night, consider using a breathable cover for your blanket to keep cool. This will help you to regulate your temperature and ensure you’re going to be comfortable.

Consult with a Pro: If your RLS is severe or you have other health concerns, it’s always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive treatment plan. A weighted blanket can be part of this. But, if you want to ensure this is the case, ensure you see a professional.

Final Thoughts

In the battle against Restless Legs Syndrome, weighted blankets are emerging as an unexpected hero. Their deep pressure stimulation can help improve sleep quality, reduce leg discomfort, and bring relaxation to restless nights. Whether you’re an RLS sufferer looking for a peaceful night’s sleep or simply curious about trying something new, a weighted blanket might be exactly what you need to improve your rest.

So why not give it a try? Snuggle up under a weighted blanket and let the calming embrace guide you to a night of restful sleep. Say goodbye to those restless legs, and hello to sweet dreams.

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