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Toronto launches the George Street Revitalization project


The City of Toronto and Infrastructure Ontario (IO) have issued a Request for Qualification (RFQ) for the George Street Revitalization project, which will reinvent the northernmost block of George Street (between Dundas Street East and Gerrard Street East).

Seaton House men’s shelter (the largest shelter serving homeless men in Toronto since 1931)., located on George Street, and its adjacent properties will be transformed into a new shared facility, providing a dynamic range of housing, programs and services to meet the unique and complex needs of individuals experiencing homelessness, as well as vulnerable and elderly individuals in the community. The project will result in a long-term care home, a transitional living facility, an emergency shelter, affordable housing, and a community hub serving residents of the site and the local neighbourhood.

Today, Seaton House has 581 beds at its George Street location and serves thousands of individuals each year in various programs including a harm reduction program and refers men to related programs at Fort York Residence, Birchmount Resident and Downsview Dells. photo by City of Toronto

George Street Revitalization, part of the City’s Downtown East Action Plan, will be the catalyst for a safer and more vibrant community for all in the heart of the historic Garden District.

“The George Street Revitalization project when complete will house important services supporting some of our city’s most at-risk communities with new shelter beds, long-term care facilities and community services in a world-class facility in the city’s downtown east,” said Mayor John Tory. “I look forward to seeing this project come to fruition once the RFQ is issued and building commences,” added Tory.

The project will result in approximately 622,000 square feet of new construction and restored heritage buildings. Some proposed features of the new development are:

  • an emergency shelter program with 100 beds for men experiencing homelessness
  • an innovative 130-bed, all-gender transitional living program for people experiencing homelessness who require more intensive health care and substance abuse support
  • a long-term care home with 378 beds to better meet the needs of formerly homeless, vulnerable and elderly individuals
  • 21 units of affordable housing with supports, and
  • a community service hub for program clients as well as members of the surrounding community

The project also includes sidewalk and streetscape improvements (between Dundas Street East and Gerrard Street East), as part of a broader public realm plan for George Street. These improvements will link Moss Park to Allan Gardens and reinforce the identity of the Garden District where the revitalization site is located.

The first step in the procurement process is to issue an RFQ to identify project teams that have the required design and construction capability and experience, and the financial capacity to undertake a project of this size and complexity. The RFQ will be available later today at https://www.merx.com/ .

Seaton House Transition Plan

In preparation for the project, a Seaton House Transition Plan has been developed to co-ordinate the movement of people, programs and services currently located at 339 George St. to alternate locations while the redevelopment of the George Street site takes place. The plan involves relocating current Seaton House clients to new program spaces, as well as housing with the assistance of Housing Allowances and Supportive Housing units with Habitat Services and other third-party service providers and agencies.

Seaton House is expected to be fully decommissioned by July 2022.

More information about the George Street Revitalization is available at: https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/accountability-operations-customer-service/long-term-vision-plans-and-strategies/george-street-revitalization/.

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