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Home / Events / Community Events / Toronto Weekend events and road closures for June 25 to 26 – Pride, TD Downtown Jazz, Fairbank Summerfest, I Heart Market Street

Toronto Weekend events and road closures for June 25 to 26 – Pride, TD Downtown Jazz, Fairbank Summerfest, I Heart Market Street


TORONTO, June 24, 2022 – As is the case most weekends in the summer, there are many major events happening in Toronto, and of course that also means Starting this Friday, June 24, a number of road closures will be in effect across Toronto in support of special events, festivals and critical infrastructure work.

Pride event closures

Church Street from Dundas Street East to Hayden Street will be closed to vehicle traffic from 10 a.m., Friday, June 24 to 7 a.m., Monday, June 27 for the Pride Toronto StreetFair.

Church Street from Bloor Street East to Hayden Street; Bloor Street East from Church Street to Yonge Street; Yonge Street from Bloor Street to Carlton Street; and Carlton Street from Yonge Street to Jarvis Street will be closed to vehicle traffic from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Friday, June 24 for Trans Pride March.

Church Street from Bloor Street East to Hayden Street; Bloor Street East from Church Street to Yonge Street; Yonge Street from Bloor Street to Carlton Street; and Carlton Street from Yonge Street to Jarvis Street will be closed to vehicle traffic from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, June 25 for Dyke March.

Pride parade

To facilitate Pride Parade formation, Rosedale Valley Road from Bayview Avenue to Park Road will be closed to vehicle traffic from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, June 26. Church Street from Hayden Street to Bloor Street East; and Park Road from Rosedale Valley Road to Bloor Street East will be closed to vehicle traffic from noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday, June 26.­­

Bloor Street East from Yonge Street to Ted Rogers Way; Yonge Street from Bloor Street to Queen Street; Dundas Street East from Yonge Street to Church Street; and Victoria Street from Dundas Street East to Shuter Street will be closed to vehicle traffic from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday, June 26 for Pride Parade.

Pride and Remembrance Run

Wellesley Street from Jarvis Street to Queen’s Park Crescent East and Queen’s Park from College Street to Bloor Street West will be closed to vehicle traffic from 7 a.m. to noon on Sunday, June 26 for Pride and Remembrance Run.

Other event closures

TD Toronto Jazz Festival

Queen’s Park from Wellesley Street West to Bloor Street West will be closed to vehicle traffic all-day on Saturday, June 25 until 5 a.m. on Monday, June 27 for the TD Toronto Jazz Festival.

Fairbank Summerfest

Eglinton Avenue West from Ronald Avenue to Dufferin Street will be closed to vehicle traffic from 7 a.m. on Friday, June 24 to 3 a.m. on Monday, June 27 for the Fairbank Summerfest.

I Heart Market Street

Market Street is closed from Front Street East to The Esplanade for I Heart Market Street activities.

Construction closures

Milliken Boulevard between McNicoll Avenue and 107 Milliken Blvd. continues to be closed until August 5 to facilitate Trans-Northern Pipeline maintenance.

Markham Road at Highway 401 will be closed to vehicle traffic from 10 p.m. on Saturday, June 25 to 10 a.m. on Sunday, June 26 to facilitate bridge demolition.

Jarvis Street from Carlton Street to Bloor Street East, including Ted Rogers Way, is reduced to one lane in each direction for road resurfacing, sidewalk repairs and intersection safety modifications.

Wellesley Street East from Ontario Street to Sherbourne Street is reduced to one westbound lane for bikeway and road reconstruction.

Wellington Street from Yonge Street to Church Street is reduced to one westbound lane for TTC track replacement and sidewalk improvements.

Yonge Street northbound and southbound lanes from the Esplanade to Lake Shore Boulevard continues to be closed to facilitate ongoing bridge construction. Bike lanes in both directions will be maintained.

Gerrard Street from University Avenue to Elizabeth Street will be closed from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 25 to facilitate SickKids building maintenance.

Travel lanes on The Queensway between Parkside Drive and Roncesvalles Avenue are reduced to a minimum of one shared travel lane in each direction for King-Queen-Queensway-Roncesvalles TTC track replacement and road reconstruction work. King Street West is also closed at this intersection.

Lake Shore Boulevard from Simcoe Street to Bay Street continues to be reduced to one westbound lane for gas main replacement.

Lake Shore Boulevard northbound and southbound access to Simcoe Street is restricted to right turn only; Lake Shore Boulevard eastbound and westbound to Simcoe Street is restricted to right turn only; and Lake Shore Boulevard eastbound is reduced to a single lane from Spadina Avenue to Rees Street on Saturday, June 25 from 6 a.m. to Sunday, June 26 at 6 a.m. to facilitate an Enbridge gas main replacement. Pedestrians will be redirected to use the east crosswalk.

The Sheppard Avenue East bridge over Highway 404 is reduced to two lanes in each direction for a bridge rehabilitation project by the Ministry of Transportation.

TTC closures

There are no subway closures scheduled on the TTC this weekend; however, several events around the city will result in adjustments to TTC bus and streetcar service. The TTC encourages customers to follow @TTCNotices on Twitter, sign-up for e-alerts and check ttc.ca for the most up-to-date information.

Those who need to drive in the general vicinity of road closures should stay alert, consider alternate routes and allow extra time to get to and from their destinations. A complete list of road closures and restrictions is available on the City’s Road Restrictions webpage: toronto.ca/roadrestrictions.

Residents and visitors are encouraged to take public transit as a greener, faster and more affordable way of getting around the city. TTC customers can subscribe to e-alerts at ttc.ca or follow @TTCNotices on Twitter to receive information about service interruptions.

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