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What does a Real Estate Appraiser Do?


If you plan on buying a house soon or wish to sell your own property, you might have been told that you need an appraisal. Appraisals or assessments are essential as they help figure out the value of the property before selling it. Appraisals provide unbiased estimates and help ensure that the property is being sold at a fair rate. The person who handles real estate appraisals is referred to as a Real Estate Appraiser. Real Estate Appraisers perform a handful of tasks, such as helping you with regards to mortgage lending and tax assessments. In simple terms, they help in calculating the value of the land before it is mortgaged, insured, taxed, developed, or sold.

Duties and Obligations of a Real Estate Appraiser?

Real Estate Appraisers are individuals who often work for third-party agencies. They are hired in order to assess the value of a property before it is sold. They offer assessments for mortgage lending purposes, leasing negotiations, and much more. In addition, they provide an unbiased estimate since they aren’t connected directly with the sale of the property. This ensures a safer investment and encourages secured financing. Also, hiring a real estate appraiser can assist in making sure that the buyer doesn’t pay an excessive amount for the property they plan on buying. Appraisers also find out the prices that prevail in the market to further certify if the stated price of a house is authentic or not.

Are you seeking appraisers with any experience with Real estate brokerage? If yes, then you have a number of options available. You can either hire  an agency or a private appraiser to help assess your property.

What do Real Estate Appraisers Consider When Assessing a Property?

Real Estate Appraisers are highly skilled and possess market knowledge regarding whatever they choose to assess, be it a house or any other property for that matter. There are number of things that Real Estate Appraisers might need to do in order to assess your property:

  • Evaluation of the exterior condition of a property.
  • Assessment of the interior condition of the house by a general walk-through.
  • Taking pictures of both the exterior and interior condition of the house in order to keep track of how the house looks.
  • Looking out for any potential safety or health hazards.
  • Estimation of amenities such as basements or swimming pools.

Is hiring a real estate appraisal important?

Yes, without a doubt, getting an appraisal before buying or selling a house or any property, for the most part, can be beneficial for both the buyer and the seller. If you are a seller, there are chances that you are selling yourself short. This means that you might be missing out on a ton of cash. However, by hiring a Real Estate Appraiser, you can be certain that the amount you are getting isn’t being understated in any way or whatsoever. Through an appraisal, you will undoubtedly get an amount that you rightfully deserve.

Summing Up

Hiring a Real Estate Appraiser may be deemed as unnecessary; however, its significance is not to be underrated. Getting an appraisal before selling a property may help you calculate and figure out the actual value of your property and therefore help you get top$ for your property.

Contributed by Alp Perez (Https://realtormontreal.ca)

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