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Home / Discover / Life / Appearing for a police interview – Will you need a lawyer to assist you?

Appearing for a police interview – Will you need a lawyer to assist you?


Police interrogations are never pleasant or easy! If you are slated to face one in the United States, chances are you are thinking about whether you need to get the assistance of a lawyer or not. The answer to this is a big yes.

Numerous times, Americans encountered pitfalls and traps laid by the police during the interview process. And when you are without a lawyer, you tend to get lost. When you are supported and assisted by an expert criminal defense attorney from Miami, FL, for this interrogation, your legal rights stay secured.

People who are under the suspicion of any crime and have been told that their presence is required as a prime witness can get the assistance of a lawyer as a Constitutional right. Also, you need to understand, that as you get a lawyer, it’s not to admit that something somewhere is wrong and you are weak. Instead, it is a sign that you want to exercise caution when you are talking to the police. There have been instances where naïve people submit and agree to the constant police allegations and interrogations when they don’t have a lawyer beside them. Equipped with an expert lawyer, you will know the traps that police are creating for you, and you can surpass them without any hassle.

It’s possible for the police to lie legally

The police are known for their notorious tricks and activities. They can manipulate you to any confession and misuse your vulnerability. There are scopes that they can even lie about the concerned crime for which you get accused or are considered as a witness.

Only a lawyer can let you know about the insane power the police have supported by the Supreme Court. It is possible that the police lie to you and force you to confess matters that aren’t true at all. It is possible for the police to claim the failed polygraph test. They can also inform you that they found your DNA at the crime scene and accuse you of things you haven’t committed. It becomes crazy when the police lie to the general public and it should be curbed as much as possible.

Through a web of untruths the police can entrap a person and compel him to pay fines that he ideally should not. Also, some police are experts in manipulating facts and putting words into a person’s mouth that can make an innocent person appear guilty of the crime. It takes away their mental peace and lands them up in significant problems.

Even though this is not the scene in the overall police domain, still there have been instances where the police have acted out of their character. And no one can say that this can’t happen again.

The role of a criminal defense lawyer

No one wants to get involved in a legal matter without committing any crime. Therefore, you must get in touch with an expert criminal defense lawyer who can be by your side when you are at a police interview and can keep you secured from any traps that the police might have.

photo by Bruce Emmerling 

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