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Guide to asbestos removal in Toronto


Between 2010 and 2015, there were over 200 concerns about public buildings that required asbestos removal in Toronto. Since then, a comprehensive nationwide ban on the production or use of asbestos for construction materials and consumer products has been implemented. But, even with widespread and continuous asbestos removal efforts around Toronto and other older Canadian cities by health officials and restoration companies, the mineral continues to contaminate buildings in important and populated areas primarily because of a lack of understanding about asbestos among property owners. From asbestos safety measures to asbestos removal costs, studies have found that about 40% of people don’t know much about asbestos beyond its connection to cancer. The same study actually found that about 1 in 4 people are unaware whether they’re occupying an asbestos-contaminated building.

The Threat of Asbestos in Modern Properties

The longer asbestos exists in homes, workplaces, and public spaces around cities and neighbourhoods, the higher the risk of exposure and illness. Asbestos was primarily used in the mid-to-late century. Since then, asbestos-containing materials have continued to decay, making the mineral more friable and sensitive to touch with time. Even the slightest contact from renovations, airflow, or water could cause its rigid fibres to go airborne, dividing indefinitely until they are inhaled by nearby people. When asbestos fibres enter the body, they scar vital lung tissues and other organs, ultimately leading to mesothelioma, asbestosis, or other serious illnesses.

When Do You Need Asbestos Removal?

Prompt asbestos removal in Toronto is the key to preventing exposure and protecting the people around you. But to act fast, you first must be aware of when asbestos may be a problem. If you are unsure whether the mineral was used in the construction or renovations around your property, consider the age of the most recent modifications and when the structure was first built. If any of those dates hover around the mid-20th century, asbestos inspections and testing will assess the risk further.

Asbestos can become triggered by contact with contaminated building materials, so scheduling an asbestos inspection will keep you safe if you have plans to demolish, remodel, renovate, retrofit, or even conduct maintenance on your property. Most local restoration companies offer free visible asbestos inspections to help property owners manage asbestos removal costs. If technicians find asbestos-containing materials on your property with more than 0.5% contamination, then asbestos removal is required per the Ontario government.

Finding an Asbestos Removal Contractor

For the prolonged protection of your health, property, and the people around you, a trained and certified provider should conduct asbestos removal in Toronto. An experienced asbestos removal contractor will closely follow government protocols and industry best practices. City and provincial guidelines emphasize that everything from asbestos inspection to removal should be conducted by a competent professional with knowledge, training, and experience.

Managing Asbestos Removal Costs

Sometimes abatement efforts can be interrupted or delayed because property owners did not budget for unexpected asbestos removal costs. Unfortunately, waiting for a time for asbestos removal in Toronto to fit into your budget can leave you at risk for exposure. To combat the unexpected cost of asbestos removal in Toronto, some restoration companies offer financing programs that allow you to pay for your service in smaller installments over a one or two-year period. Paired with free inspections, financing asbestos removal in Toronto minimizes delays, making the essential service more accessible.

How to Go About Asbestos Removal Toronto

While do-it-yourself has certainly become popular for many home projects, DIY asbestos removal is unsafe. The volatile nature of the mineral means that even the slightest misstep can leave you exposed and in danger. If you suspect asbestos-containing materials have been used around your property, evacuate the area, turn off the HVAC system, and contact local restoration companies offering asbestos removal in Toronto.

The Future of Asbestos in Toronto

Because of bans across the province and country, a broader understanding of the mineral, and affordable asbestos removal costs, more property owners are scheduling asbestos removal in Toronto preventatively, reducing the potential for exposure and bringing the city one step closer to being asbestos-free. Protecting your property could be as simple as scheduling an asbestos inspection today.

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