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Beneficial features of conveyor bottom trailers


If you’re someone that’s looking to buy a new trailer, then it is essential you learn about the features of a conveyor bottom trailer.

This blog post will emphasize the benefits of trailers.

Elimination of the Rollover

The conveyor’s bottom takes away the requirement to push the belly upwards in order to dump. This way, the conveyor will have a much lower level of the center of gravity. With this feature, it is much easier to unload in spaces that are not even from the ground.

This also means that the need to look out for any overhead wires is also eliminated. Otherwise, this is a big problem when a truck driver is using an old-school trailer for the purpose of dumping. You can get high-quality conveyor bottom trailers at Trout River Industries.

The Conveyor Tub Gets Completely Cleaned

As the tub empties entirely clean, it gets very convenient to transport various types of materials. This means that you do not have to make clothes dirty by getting inside the tub for a clean-up. Otherwise, this clean-up is done frequently between materials.

A Good Riding Experience

The trailer ride will be smoother when the center of gravity is designed to be at a low level. This then results in better grip and handling. Such smoothness is something that is not possible in conventional trucks.

More and More Dumping Control

The conveyor’s bottom makes up for partial dumping at different sites. The good thing is that the dumping can be done in a very controlled manner. This way, the load will go in the direction right where you want it to. This capability is something that is not possible in conventional dump trucks. With the addition of a live bottom, it turns much more convenient to start and stop the duping process. This is useful when the load is supposed to be dumped in large-sized areas.

Safer than Dump Trucks

Since the back of the truck is not supposed to be lifted when using a live bottom trailer, the risk of trailer tipping is much lower this way. With the help of a conveyor belt, everything stays at a level. This gives you the ease that any goods in the trailer will not be damaged. Another big benefit is that maneuvering around in rough terrains can also be done in a smooth manner.

Low Insurance Cost

Another big benefit of conveyor bottom trailers is that they ensure much better safety. As there is no lifting involved – the scenario of a liftover is much more reduced. This way, you can rest assured that there will be no accidents while the goods or materials are being unloaded.

Since dumping the haul is now a controlled experience, the cargo that is transported is at a lower stake of getting damaged in the process. All of this safety and security adds to your benefit as you will not have to pay any insurance costs.

Concluding the Discussion

The above-mentioned points show why you should prefer conveyor bottom trailers and the extra benefits of using them.

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