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Blue Jays fans to require proof of full vaccination or negative COVID-19 test for ballpark entry


Today, the Toronto Blue Jays announced that they will require proof of full vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test result for all fans, staff, and guests aged 12 and older entering Rogers Centre beginning September 13.

In a press statement today, the Jays organisation said, “In consulting with our live event industry partners and public health experts, listening to fan feedback, and adapting to the changing environment, the Toronto Blue Jays will require proof of full vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test result for all fans, staff, and guests aged 12 and older entering Rogers Centre beginning September 13, with tickets for the final 12 regular season home games of the season (September 13 to October 3) going on sale to the general public on Thursday, Aug. 26 at 10 a.m. (bluejays.com/tickets).

The Blue Jays have additional information on the new requirements available at bluejays.com/healthandsafety.

BEGINNING SEPT. 13: To attend a Toronto Blue Jays home game at Rogers Centre here are the VACCINATION AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS

  • For games beginning September 13, each fan aged 12 and older must present a government-issued ID and proof of one of the following for ballpark entry:
  • Receipt of full COVID-19 vaccination, meaning the full series of a Government of Canada accepted COVID-19 vaccine or combination of accepted vaccines, received at least 14 days prior to the day of the game.
  • A negative COVID-19 test result from a healthcare provider taken within 48 hours of the game’s scheduled start time.
  • Click here for additional information on vaccination and testing requirements, including acceptable forms of documentation required to show proof of full COVID-19 vaccination or test result.

Rogers Centre operating at reduced seating capacity for Jays games

Rogers Centre is currently operating at limited capacity in accordance with the latest provincial reopening guidelines. There are two types of bowl seating options available for fans: standard and physically distanced. Tickets in the 100L and 200L infield and TD Clubhouse are standard seating while those in the 100L and 200L outfield and bases are physically distanced pods of up to four seats.

TD Executive Suites are also operating at limited capacity, with a minimum of six tickets.

The Jays say this policy is in addition to the robust Rogers Centre health and safety protocols already in place, based on the provincial reopening guidelines for outdoor venues. Face coverings will still be required for fans aged two and older while on Rogers Centre property, except when actively eating or drinking in designated seats or physically distanced areas. Fans aged 11 and younger are not required to provide a negative COVID-19 test result when accompanied by a parent or guardian that meets the entry requirements.

It is important to note that fans with tickets to games from now through September 5 will not have to show proof of vaccination or negative test.

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