Gardiner Expressway is closed this weekend for annual maintenance
Yes, it’s that time of year… again. The City of Toronto says the Gardiner Expressway will be fully shut down this weekend for its annual maintenance and improvements. That’s right, this means a full closure of the expressway, from the Don Valley Parkway/Carlaw Avenue to Highway 427/Queen Elizabeth Way, and it is expected to take place from Friday, July 9 at 11 p.m. until Monday, July 12 at 5 a.m.
This time it’s really happening after weather dampened last month’s planned shutdown.
City officials say “this closure was rescheduled from the weekend of June 25 to 28 due to inclement weather, which would have prevented a significant amount of milling and paving work from being completed.”
The City says the full closure of the Gardiner Expressway for one weekend each year is an important, efficient and safe way that City road crews, engineers and other stakeholders can make improvements and keep the throughway in the best state of good-repair. Performing this highly coordinated work over a 54-hour window helps to keep the thousands of daily drivers that use the Gardiner Expressway on their way.
But where will all the usual Gardiner traffic go?
Those who are travelling in and around the city should plan their route in advance, expect delays and leave plenty of extra time. Drivers should also consider using a wayfinding app to avoid the expressway closure.
Motorists can use Lake Shore Boulevard West, the Queensway, Bloor Street and Evans Avenue as alternative routes during the weekend closure.
City staff have readied detailed traffic plans to help manage traffic congestion over the weekend. Signage to notify drivers was put in place and activated in advance of the closure weekend and signals around the closure will be timed and actively managed throughout the weekend. In addition, information has been posted on the City social accounts and website.
What work is being done on the Gardiner Expressway this weekend?
- Milling and paving of 15 km of roadway including more than 11,000 tonnes of asphalt
- line marking
- overhead and ground sign inspections, replacement and maintenance
- pothole repair and crack sealing
- mechanical sweeping and debris removal
- graffiti removal
- catch basin flushing and cleaning
- bridge inspections and chipping
- flushing of bridge joints
- inspection, repair and replacement of “crash attenuation systems” that help cushion and redirect vehicles from barricades and barriers
- inspection, repair and re-lamping of street lights
- hydro pole replacement and repair
- traffic camera inspection and repair
- guiderail repair and replacement
In addition to bringing together and coordinating multiple divisions from across the City of Toronto to perform expressway maintenance, work has also been timed and coordinated with the Ministry of Transportation for planned work on the QEW approaching the Gardiner, as well as with Toronto Hydro. This coordination will help ensure the work is done efficiently and with the fewest impacts on the travelling public, local businesses and others that rely on the expressway.
Read details about the Gardiner Expressway closure.
An online map is available to help plan routes and avoid restrictions and closures.
The City’s T.O. INview map shows planned capital construction work taking place across Toronto.
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