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How CBD can improve sleep quality


As the CBD craze continues to sweep across the globe (it’s even legal in countries with previously draconian drug laws), you’d be forgiven for wondering what all the fuss is about. CBD has been studied a lot for its therapeutic effects, which range from making it easier to sleep to easing chronic pain. While it has numerous benefits, it’s the latter that this post will focus on, particularly regarding high-quality sleep.

What Is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound found in cannabis plants. CBD has become more prevalent in recent years because it is good for your health and can help you sleep better, among other things. With a variety of consumption methods available, about which you can find out more here, you can try CBD without having to inhale any harsh smoke. CBD comes in various forms, such as oils, capsules, gummies, and topical creams. It is important to bear in mind that the quality and potency of CBD products can vary greatly, so conducting your research and selecting a reputable brand is crucial. Above all, it is advisable to consult with your healthcare provider prior to trying any new supplement or treatment, particularly if you have an existing medical condition or are currently on medication.

How Can It Help Induce Sleep?

As previously stated, it’s essential that you speak with your doctor before beginning any new drug regime, regardless of what the studies say concerning efficacy and safety, because you never know how it might interact with your body or other pharmaceuticals you take. However, if you’re given the go-ahead, you might find CBD is the answer you’ve been looking for all along! Let’s take a closer look at some ways it can facilitate sleep and help you get the rest your body craves and wake up without feeling as though your head is full of cotton wool.

By Reducing Anxiety And Stress Levels

The worst thing you can do to yourself if you want to get a good night’s sleep is bottle up stress and anxiety. Although these two problems are not unique to the modern era, they can easily consume your time and energy if you don’t take steps to lessen or eliminate them. While it’s almost impossible to eliminate them entirely, CBD can do wonders in dramatically reducing them and their adverse effects on your mind and body. When feeling stressed or anxious, it can be tough to disconnect and fall into a peaceful slumber. This is because stress and anxiety activate the brain and create a cascading effect that can trigger an overactive mind, racing thoughts, and tense muscles—all of which make it difficult to relax and get quality sleep. When this happens regularly, it can cause sleep deprivation and a host of other health problems, including daytime fatigue, irritability, and reduced cognitive function. That’s why it’s so important to prioritize good sleep habits and seek out effective strategies for managing stress and anxiety. Several studies show that regular use of CBD can positively reduce stress and anxiety, which should help you sleep better.

Reducing Pain And Discomfort

Everyone feels pain and discomfort at some point, but until you have chronic pain, you have no idea how severely it can impact your quality of life. It can even become so bad that it leads to things like substance abuse, which further compounds an already challenging issue. The inability to get a good night’s sleep is a major symptom of chronic pain and can have a domino effect on other areas of your life as well as your body’s ability to deal with the underlying issue that’s causing the pain. If this sounds like you, and you’ve already exhausted your options for pharmaceutical analgesics, CBD may be worth a try. Although you shouldn’t consider CBD as a panacea, there have been positive indications that it can have positive effects in helping to reduce certain forms of pain. This, along with its other benefits, may make it simpler for you to fall asleep, allowing your body to do what it does best while you’re sleeping—repair itself.

Improving REM Sleep

CBD has been increasingly studied for its potential benefits on sleep, and researchers have found that it may improve the quality of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. This is the stage of sleep in which dreaming occurs, and it’s essential for both mental and physical restoration. People who don’t get enough REM sleep may have mood disorders, have trouble remembering things, and, most alarmingly, tend to have a weaker immune system. CBD has also been shown (both clinically and anecdotally) to increase the amount of time spent in the deeper stages of sleep, which are critical for physical recovery and regeneration. 

Although CBD should never be treated as a cure-all alternative to conventional pharmaceuticals, it has definitely shown promise in regards to improving our sleep quality. While more research is required to say for sure, CBD could be a worthy option if you’ve exhausted all other options and are willing to try something new.

Note: Always consult with your healthcare provider prior to trying any new supplement or treatment, particularly if you have an existing medical condition or are currently on medication.

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