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Home / Toronto / News / All of Canada pays tribute to legendary Sports Broadcaster – Darren Dutchyshen

All of Canada pays tribute to legendary Sports Broadcaster – Darren Dutchyshen


On Wednesday, Canada mourned the loss of a beloved sports television host at the age of 57 – Darren Dutchyshen.

“He passed as he was surrounded by his closest loved ones. His sharp wit remained until his final moments, classically delivering plenty of jokes — most of them pretty good and all of them inappropriate,” the Dutchyshen family said Thursday in a statement.

A cherished member of the TSN family

Darren Dutchyshen, a cherished member of the TSN family, passed away, leaving a void in Canadian sports broadcasting. He was a longstanding host of SportsCentre and a prominent personality on TSN.

Stewart Johnston, Senior Vice President of Sales & Sports at Bell Media, paid tribute to Dutchyshen, describing him as a legend in Canadian sports broadcasting. Johnston highlighted Dutchyshen’s remarkable sense of humour and infectious energy, which endeared him to viewers across the nation. Dutchyshen’s enthusiasm for sports was contagious, reminding audiences daily why they love the games they watch. Johnston expressed TSN’s deep sadness at losing Dutchyshen and extended heartfelt condolences to his family.

His Career at TSN Started in 1995

Dutchyshen’s career at TSN began in 1995, and over the years, he became one of the most beloved figures in Canadian sports broadcasting history.

What They’re Saying on Twitter

NHL Alumni


·The NHL Alumni Association is heartbroken to learn that Canadian sportscaster, Darren Dutchyshen, has passed away at the age of 57. We send our deepest condolences to the Dutchyshen family, his friends, and teammates at TSN during this extremely difficult time.

Sportsnet 590 The FAN


·”If we’re not passionate in what we’re covering, the audience won’t be either…and he was always very passionate about what he covered and he drew the audience in.”

Saskatchewan Roughriders


·Our organization is heartbroken to hear of the passing of Darren Dutchyshen. We send our condolences to his family and loved ones, to our friends at TSN, and everyone who shared in his humour and infectious joy while watching him on SportsCentre. He will be deeply missed.

John Lu


Dutchy and Rod Smith made the Big Show big, back in the early days of #TSN. He was larger than life, a brilliant broadcaster and one of the coolest dudes you could call a fand colleague. We’ll miss him so much.

Randy Ambrosie


Darren Dutchyshen was one of a kind in the broadcasting world. He spoke about our league with such passion and pride. He was a terrific interviewer – so professional and knowledgeable, but always incredibly friendly with a joke or two at the ready. When he came back on the air, every CFL fan cheered. We’ll always remember his love for the CFL, his wonderful heart and that booming laugh. Thank you, Dutchy. Our deepest condolences to all his family and friends.

Cabbie Richards


Darren Dutchyshen was sharp, witty, quick and lit up every room he walked into with a line and great vibes. Awesome to work with and overall great dude. Sending love to KB, his family and close friends 

Aurora Mayor Tom Mrakas


Saddened to hear about the passing of Darren Dutchyshen, who guided us through many of Canada’s defining sports moments with so much professionalism & humour. He was also a member of the Aurora community and touched many lives here. My deepest condolences to his family & friends

Vic Rauter


·Sometimes there are no words.. Darren Dutchyshen

Jay Rosehill


Very sad to hear of Darren Dutchyshen passed this morning. He was one of the great Canadian sports personalities and by all accounts a great person as well.

James Cybulski


Darren Dutchyshen never had a bad day. Any night you watch him, he was at his best. Duchy defined SportsCentre. It was a privilege and an honour to share the set with him on a few occasions. A sad day losing a legendary personality and even better person.

Cancer Diagnosis

On September 9, 2021, Dutchyshen publicly disclosed his battle with prostate cancer, necessitating a year-long hiatus from TSN to undergo treatment. Despite his return to the broadcasting desk a year later, he candidly admitted that the struggle persisted. “It’s still in the base of my skull, my ribs, my legs, hips, and such,” he shared with viewers, reflecting on his ongoing journey. Dutchyshen’s revelation came as a shock to many, as he recounted the uncertainty he faced just a year prior. “Honestly, a year ago I didn’t know if I’d be coming back,” he confided to co-anchor Jennifer Hedger and the audience. The cancer, diagnosed a year earlier, had metastasized, initiating a challenging ordeal for Dutchyshen. He emphasized the gravity of his condition, noting that it wasn’t the type of cancer one triumphs over with a celebratory bell ring.

Dutchyshen said he has a treatable form of cancer, and he feels “really, really good. And the place that I feel best is right here (on SportsCentre),” he said.

You are the best in this country at this job. With a bullet. Not even close,” Hedger told him.

An Invaluable Teammate

TSN’s Stewart Johnston hailed Dutchyshen as a towering figure in Canadian sports broadcasting, an invaluable teammate whose presence at TSN had been indispensable for the past three decades.

Initially joining TSN as the host of weekend editions of SportsDesk and CFL Live, Dutchyshen swiftly became a fixture behind the Sportscentre desk, where he held court for nearly thirty years. Alongside co-anchors Rod Smith and Jennifer Hedger, he graced screens, delivering sports updates and analyses with finesse.

Moreover, Dutchyshen showcased his versatility by hosting Olympic Prime Time on TSN during the 2010 Vancouver Games and the 2012 London Games.

Hailing from Regina, Saskatchewan, and raised in Porcupine Plain, Dutchyshen embarked on his broadcasting journey with STV in Saskatoon, followed by a stint with IMTV in Dauphin, Manitoba. His career trajectory ascended further during his seven-year tenure as the host of ITV’s Sports Night in Edmonton.

Final Thoughts

In the wake of Darren Dutchyshen’s passing, Canada bids farewell to a beloved sports broadcasting icon. His sharp wit and infectious energy charmed audiences for decades, leaving an indelible mark on Canadian sports culture. Dutchyshen’s illustrious career at TSN spanned nearly three decades, during which he became a cherished member of the TSN family and a fixture on screens across the nation.

His unparalleled passion for sports, coupled with his remarkable talent, made him a legend in Canadian broadcasting. Through his jovial demeanor and unparalleled professionalism, Dutchyshen brought joy to millions of viewers and left an enduring legacy in the hearts of all who had the pleasure of watching him.

As tributes pour in from colleagues, fans, and sports organizations alike, it’s evident that Dutchyshen’s impact extended far beyond the realm of sports broadcasting. His warmth, humour, and genuine love for his craft touched the lives of many, and his absence will be keenly felt in the sports community and beyond.

While Dutchyshen’s battle with cancer was arduous, he faced it with courage and resilience, never losing sight of his passion for broadcasting. His spirit lives on in the memories he created and the lives he touched, serving as an inspiration to all who knew him.

In Darren Dutchyshen, Canada has lost not only a great sports broadcaster but also a true Canadian icon. May his legacy continue to shine brightly, reminding us of the joy and camaraderie that sports bring to our lives.

by Myles Shane

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