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How important is math in our lives?


Have you found yourself wondering how important math is in our lives? Perhaps your child has come home with tricky homework, or you are sat tackling a problem and asked yourself, how is this important to my life? Well, you aren’t alone! 

Many of us wonder about the importance of math. If we aren’t an important mathematician, math can sometimes feel like it has no relevance to our lives other than the headache it causes. 

But we know that’s not always the case so, we went to investigate just how important math is to your lives and are excited to report back with our answers! Keep reading to find out how important math is in our lives!

How important is math in our lives?

Let’s get straight into it! Math is extremely important to our lives! Math influences more of our life than you realize and is all around us. Understanding math and its role in our lives help you realize its importance and unlock more power in your brain, making you more successful! Let’s take a look at some of the roles math plays in our lives. 

Explains the world around us 

Math is an excellent way to explain how things work. From the most simple things like opening the door to building our computers, math was used. The calculations that determine the hinge angle for doors to open and equations that determine the size of laptop components all rely on math. In our daily lives, we don’t consider these and take the items around us for granted. 

But when we start to explore and consider how things work, the bottom line is always math! Even engineering phenomenons or physics laws that explain the universe rely on math to break problems down and explain them. Taking some time to consider how we determine the height of a table or the length of sleeves shows how math is responsible for virtually everything in the world, making it super important! 

It organizes our life. 

From telling the time, labelling weights on food, setting prices of items in stores, determining out taxes, and calculating discounts and supplies, math helps us organize

the world around us. Without numbers and math, we would be left in a sea of confusion and chaos! 

Math has been our constant companion since we first existed! The simple numbers used to count the number of apples or onions needed for a dish have facilitated calculations, measurements, analysis, and engineering. We use math to divide our days, pay our employees, and share our candy. 

Math has become necessary for virtually any process. It might seem that we don’t use math often in our daily lives (especially if we think back to painful trigonometry lessons in school), but consider how many numbers you see in just one day? Before you know it, even the more creative minds use logical math skills in their daily lives! 

It develops critical thinking. 

Math and its understanding allow you to develop many skills, one of which being critical thinking. Math requires critical thinking; you need to understand the numbers and critique them where necessary. You might have an issue where math and critical thinking work together to develop a solution, like how to divide your bonus this year. 

Math also helps boost problem-solving skills, wisdom, and intuitive speed. From a young age, math helps shape our minds and better engage with the world around us. We learn how to process data, analyze it, and then reassemble it to solve the issue. For example, if you think back to the problems in school math problems: dividing apples between friends. While that might seem silly, it can help you calculate how many portions a bag of pasta will give you and which size bag will be the cheapest option to deliver these portions. Suddenly, trivial math problems are helping you budget your weekly food shop! 

Math develops our ability to think and understand the world better. Being able to think critically and solve problems helps us achieve higher grades and better careers in the future! 

Final word

As you can see, math plays a vital role in our lives! From influencing our problem-solving skills and encouraging critical thinking to carve up our day and budgets, math is all around us. Math plays a practical role in our lives, allowing us to budget and communicate with others and helping develop strong mental discipline. From famous mathematicians to children, math plays a critical role in all our lives! 

photo by Antoine Dautry for Unsplash

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