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How to Keep Rodents Away from Your Home Garden


If you have a home garden, you know how frustrating it can be to watch your plants and vegetables get destroyed by pesky rodents. Not only can rodents damage your garden, but they can also carry diseases and pose a threat to the health of you and your family. Well, there are steps you can take to keep these rodents away from your home garden. Here are some proven ways to help you keep away destructive rodents from your home garden:

Keep Your Garden Clean

Rodents are generally attracted to food and shelter, so you should keep your garden clean and tidy. This includes taking steps like removing any fallen fruit or vegetables, pruning dead branches, and clearing away any clutter or debris that could attract or provide a hiding place for rodents. Generally speaking, regular maintenance of your garden can help keep it less attractive to destructive rodents.

Install Barriers

Installing barriers is an effective way to keep rodents out of your garden. Some good examples of barriers include fences, netting, and chicken wire. Remember, fencing should be buried at least six inches underground to prevent rodents from burrowing underneath it. Netting can be used to cover plants or entire garden beds to keep rodents from accessing them. Chicken wire can also be placed around the base of trees and plants to prevent rodents from climbing them. In your efforts to safeguard your home and garden from rodents, don’t overlook the importance of well-maintained fences and gates. For reliable solutions, consider professional gate repair Austin services to ensure the continued security and functionality of your property’s entry points.

Use Natural Deterrents

There are many natural deterrents that can help keep rodents away from your garden. These include planting herbs and plants that rodents dislike,

Here are some plants that rodents don’t like:

  • Mint: Rodents don’t like the strong scent of mint, making it an excellent choice for keeping them away. Plant mint around the edges of your garden or in containers to help deter rodents.
  • Lavender: Similar to mint, rodents don’t like the strong scent of lavender. Plant lavender around the edges of your garden or in containers to help deter rodents.
  • Alliums: Alliums, such as onions, garlic, and chives, have a strong scent that rodents don’t like. Plant alliums around the edges of your garden or in containers to help deter rodents.
  • Marigolds: Marigolds have a pungent smell that rodents don’t like. Plant marigolds around the edges of your garden or in containers to help deter rodents.
  • Daffodils: Daffodils contain lycorine, a substance that is toxic to rodents. Plant daffodils around the edges of your garden or in containers to help deter rodents.
  • Fritillarias: Fritillaries contain a substance called imperialine, which is toxic to rodents. Plant fritillaries around the edges of your garden or in containers to help deter rodents.
  • Euphorbias: Euphorbias contain a milky sap that is toxic to rodents. Plant euphorbias around the edges of your garden or in containers to help deter rodents

You can also use natural repellents like peppermint oil or garlic spray to discourage rodents from entering your garden.

Seek professional pest control services

Using professional pest control services is the most effective way to control and prevent rodent infestations in your home garden. Pest control services will provide inspections to identify areas that are susceptible to infestations in your home garden. So, just search for pest control resources around me and find the best service that suits your needs. A good pest control service will then offer treatment options tailored to your specific situation, including preventative measures to keep rodents away.

In fact, they can educate you on the steps you can take to maintain a clean garden. They will also advise on the plants to choose that are less attractive to rodents. In other words, they will provide a long-lasting solution to help keep rodents away from your home garden!

wildlife pest population

Remove Water Sources

Rodents need water to survive, so removing any water sources in and around your garden can help deter them. This includes fixing leaky hoses or faucets, draining any standing water, and keeping bird baths and pet water bowls clean and filled with fresh water.

Set Traps

Setting traps can be an effective way to catch rodents before they cause damage to your garden. There are many types of traps available, including snap traps and live traps. Snap traps are the most common and effective type of trap, but live traps can be a more humane option. Make sure to place traps in areas where rodents are likely to travel, such as near fences, trees, or garden beds.

Keep a Clean Compost Pile

If you have a compost pile, make sure to keep it clean and tidy. Rodents are attracted to compost piles because they contain food scraps and other organic matter. To keep rodents away, make sure to cover your compost pile with a lid or tarp, turn it regularly, and avoid adding meat, dairy, or oily foods.

Maintain a Healthy Garden

Maintaining a healthy garden can help prevent rodent infestations. Healthy plants are less attractive to rodents than weak or diseased plants. Ensure you water your plants regularly. Also, prune or weed them when necessary, and fertilize them as required.

Wrapping up

Keeping rodents away from your home garden needs a combination of preventative measures and active management. Start by implementing preventive steps like keeping your garden clean, setting up barriers and natural deterrents to keep common rodents away. You are better off seeking help from a pest control service near you to help devise the right measures to control and prevent rodent infestations in your home garden.

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