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Home / Home & Garden / Trends of Interior Elements in 2023 and 2024

Trends of Interior Elements in 2023 and 2024


When you immerse yourself in the trends of interior design for the coming year, you feel warmth, coziness, pleasant textures, and comfort. Behind all this lies functionality and manufacturability.

Now people work at home, relax at home and have fun at home too, so the interior becomes even more important. Predict with Tony and have fun at home comfortably.

Well, in this article we will tell you about the most popular trends in interior elements this year and the next one.

Japanese Design in a Modern Take

Japanese design combines minimalism, clean lines, and practicality. In 2023, designers are actively using Japanese aesthetics in combination with modern elements. To create a harmonious space, use wooden elements, sliding doors, and textiles made of natural materials.

Sustainable Design and Environmental Friendliness

In 2023, the focus has shifted even more to the use of eco-friendly materials. Give preference to furniture made of natural wood, textiles made of organic cotton, and decor made of recycled materials.

Art Deco

Art Deco is returning to fashion, offering geometric shapes, clean lines, and luxurious materials. Use art deco elements in furniture, lighting, and decor to create a stylish and modern interior.


Brutalism is characterized by the use of raw, untreated materials, such as concrete, and an emphasis on functionality. Add elements of brutalism to your interior with concrete walls, floors, or decorative items.

Textures and Materials

In 2023, special attention is paid to textures and materials. Use a variety of textures in textiles, wallpaper, and decor to create a cozy and interesting atmosphere in your home.


Large ceramic vases, sculptures, and tableware are becoming popular accent elements of the interior. Choose large pieces of ceramics to add character to your space.

Geometric Shapes

Geometric shapes and patterns are relevant again in 2023. Use them in textiles, wallpaper, and decor to create a dynamic and modern interior.

Natural Light and Greenery

Nature and natural light play an important role in modern interior design. Provide the maximum amount of natural light in your home and add green plants to create a fresh and lively space.

Soft Pastel Tones

Soft pastel shades will remain popular in 2023. Use them to create a gentle and cozy atmosphere in your home.

Multifunctional Furniture

Multifunctional furniture saves space and makes your home more practical. Choose furniture that can perform several functions, such as sofa beds or transformer tables.

Shades of Expensive Metals

The house is like a jewelry box. This is not about pretentiousness at all, but rather about the details that give an elegant value to the interior.

Unusual Lighting

Light tends to convey the mood, and not to fulfill its direct purpose. Hence the huge number of lamps of various shapes and sizes, sometimes even from not quite familiar materials.


Following these tips, you will be able to create a stylish, modern, and cozy interior in your apartment. Experiment with different ideas and find your unique style that reflects your personality and preferences.

Thanks for reading!

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