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Speech Therapist: All You Need To Know


Individuals who often struggle with communication and articulation may hugely benefit from speech therapy. Speech therapists, commonly known as Speech-Language Pathologists, are professionals and experts in assisting individuals in handling communication problems.

Speech disorders begin from early childhood or in adults. Speech therapy is ideal for children or adults who have speech impairment due to certain illnesses or injuries. For instance, as mentioned here, https://www.personalinjurylawyersbronx.com/brain-injuries/ a stroke or brain injury may affect the capability of speech and communication. Individuals with speech issues, both written and spoken, are susceptible to speech therapy.

A speech therapist specializes in treating the following:

  • Stuttering

Adults and children who stutter and stammer when talking can hugely benefit from speech therapy. Stuttering starts at an early age, and most children tend to outgrow it.

  • Cognitive communication

Understanding the thought process and thinking that eventually leads to communication is vital. A speech therapist will therefore seek to develop strategies that aim to retain memory and help in problem-solving.

  • Speech sounds

These are affected by speech disorders that target articulation. Speech therapy helps to put sounds together.

  • Social communication

This is mostly pragmatics and involves how individuals socialize with others, from basic conversation etiquette to social awareness.

  • Language

Understanding what is heard or read is vital in speech therapy. Being able to effectively communicate with other people by learning how to translate thoughts into words is paramount. Expressive and receptive language is also taught to the patient.

Before starting speech therapy, the physician will conduct an assessment to determine the mode of treatment. This is dependent on the severity of the speech condition and other factors such as age, underlying medical conditions, frequency of speech treatments, and the type of speech disorder.

Speech therapists employ methods such as breathing exercises and muscle strengthening. Activities geared to bring about problem-solving and boost memory are also used. Other therapies include swallowing therapy which exercises the mouth’s muscles.

Speech therapy, which begins at an early age, is more effective for children as adults. However, with persistent and focus speech treatments, individuals can start to see changes in their communication after some time.

Qualifications of a speech therapist

Speech therapists require continued training in their line of work. A speech therapist needs to have completed a speech and language therapy degree from a credible university. The university program consists of primarily science-based courses and human communication.

Each university has different entry-level requirements. The degree usually takes four years to complete. Most of the courses involve a lot of practical work to better equip the individual with the skills required.

A further postgraduate degree will take an additional two years. Speech therapists need to be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council and be members of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Being a member requires them to have passed the national certification exams. Speech therapy offers a broad scope in job roles. For instance, therapists can work in hospitals, private practice, rehabilitation centers, or clinics.

A speech therapist should also have some personal and social skills to be able to assist their patients. For instance, being a good communicator is essential to work with people of all ages and explain the treatment plan to them. Being an empathizer is also required as speech therapists are meant to encourage and reassure people.

Speech therapists should also portray confidence through leadership and work in a team of other professionals to assist their patients. They should also seek to give off a warm personality for patients to trust and listen to them. They should also be patient and receptive towards their client’s needs.

Salary expectations

Speech therapy ranks among the top five Best Healthcare jobs in the market. Therefore, speech pathologists make an average of $98,823 a year. The highest-paid speech pathologists can earn on average $98,000 to $110,000 a year.

The market for speech pathologists is increasing with the demand for a seamless communication system. For instance, Massachusetts boasts the highest number of speech pathologists due to the high demand for services.

Different locations and cities also offer different salary rates. Therefore, it is best to consider this as a speech pathologist before moving into a new place.

Home-based speech therapy sessions

Speech therapists are now embracing new and innovative ways of accessing potential clients. The evolution of home-based speech therapy sessions offers an in-depth and interactive approach. The presence of online directories is making it easier to find a professional based on your location. These visits are suited to meet the client’s schedule and offer a more personalized approach.

Home-based speech therapy sessions are an excellent way to help your child develop their communication skills. Some children grow up sounding different than their peers, making them self-conscious. Therefore, home-based therapy helps the speech pathologist meet the child at their place of comfort.

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